Countdown to Refuse...


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
As I'm sure everyone else on the board, is, I'm counting down to "Refuse to be Denied" and can't wait to hear it. But as I'm doing so, I guess I'm a little troubled by the fact that this means I'm counting down and looking forward to September 11, and I just wanted to get a sense of how the other fans here feel about this.

I know this is a free download, and the bands motives are to pay tribute to the victims and heroes (or at least so they tell us...we can't possibly rule out the underlying publicity motive, that tomorrow their web site will likely get an increase in hits, just from the ignorant surfers like our old friends at the "Adequacy" site, which could translate into the song being heard by many new people that otherwise wouldn't hear it). However, we as some of their biggest fans, are a little biased in favor of Anthrax, and I have to wonder, no matter what the motives of the band are, how the general public and casual fans will react. We've already seen a lot of negative publicity on the Blabbermouth site.

On the other hand, I am looking forward to September 11 now, instead of dreading it and worrying about what may happen, so for me there is a positive spin to this. However, this argument doesn't hold true for people that don't know much about Anthrax.

What do others here think? Do you believe them when they say their motives are pure? Will this publicity help them or hurt them? Is there such a thing as bad publicity?
i think that it will be a good song
i think anthrax loves their country
i think this has nothing to do with publicity
i think you shouldnt have brought it up
Ive been to NY last year in august, and I've been on the top of Twin Tower like every tourist. It's really strange to look at the pictures weve made , and one month later it's all gone.
Ive met a guys during the Goldfinger/Reel Big Fish/Zebrahead
concert.After 9/11 ive contacted him to ask how he felt and he told me his mother was workin in TT, but on 9/11 she was late for work. He wrote me that his mother has really mixed up feelings, she has to live with the feeling that most of her coworkers died and she survived because she was late , the worst thing for her is that she has seen it all from real close, people jumping out windows etc.
I think it's great Anthrax dedicate a song. ANTHRAX =RESPECT!!!!!!!!

I really don't care about all that Blabbermouth shit , every single letter given to them is a pure waiste of time

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!
On the other hand, I am looking forward to September 11 now, instead of dreading it and worrying about what may happen, so for me there is a positive spin to this. However, this argument doesn't hold true for people that don't know much about Anthrax.

What do others here think? Do you believe them when they say their motives are pure? Will this publicity help them or hurt them? Is there such a thing as bad publicity? [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm sure that people don't think that Anthrax's motives are true but you know what? This is coming from another New Yorker(even though I don't live there now) when the attacks happened last year I was %100 horrified! Most of my relatives still live in New York and several of them travel to the city everyday for work related projects so the first thing on my mind was "Oh my God, what about uncle, aunt, cousin, etc..." Anthrax is also from New York(like we didn't know), but what these means and what I'm getting at is that at least %80 of their families and friends live there as well! One can only imagine how they felt and how worried they were when this shit hit the fan! I know I was, so I at least have a small idea of what was going through their minds! I actually thought of Anthrax even! What if they would have been in a studio right in that business area? People who can't understand why Anthrax is doing this really should ask themselves this question, "why am I mad about this, and maybe I don't even care about New York", cause the fact is, that the members of Anthrax were right there, and I'm sure they felt the shockwaves! Lets remember that Anthrax is not actually making any money off of this, the song is free for download, and as far as anybody saying that this is a publicity stunt, then they obviously don't understand the term! In my true belief, this is Anthrax's way of allowing us(the fans) to get the chance to hear a song that they feel shows their feelings about this disaster! If they were trying to make money then they would be charging for the download, and if it's a publicity stunt, then why hasn't this been advertised for months in news papers, movies, magazines and all that other bullshit! Billy Millano gets more publicity ever time he bitches about Anthrax, talk about the coffee calling the kettle black! You wanna convice me Billy? Then shut up and we'll know that your not trying to get some publicity!

the anticipation is killing me, and i don't feel the least bit guilty for it being on the day it is. it's meant to be on that day, and a day of reflection it will be.
Well I am looking forward to the song in a BIG way. Also I will be paying tribute tommorrow.

We must never forget what happened, who did this to us, and that the world is a very dangerous place; America can no longer feel "Safe at Home". So sad, but that is life. As far as military operations against Iraq, I stand 100% behind them. Hell Saddam, has been flounting the UN resolutions ever since the Gulf War ended. I am no lawyer, but doesn't that constitute a breech in the armistice, rendering it null? To whit, a state of war would still be in existence?

I do not want to see 1 American life lost in battle. Nor, do I want to see any innocent people hurt or killed. But, it will happen. And if we don't eliminate Saddam and his ilk, instead of 3,000 innocent people dead, we could end up with 3,000,000! What then? People will be crying bloody murder, that we didn't act sooner. Remember Hussein has already used chemical weapons against the Kurds in his own country back in the 80's. Who doubts he would turn them against us or Israel?

As far as the Mighty Anthrax' motives, I am of the opinion that they are 100% genuine, and not designed as a "ploy" or publicity scheme.

Long live America!
Long live the Mighty Anthrax!

PS--Got my Depends on waiting for the song......
I see your point, and as I hope you know, I'm not trying to bash Anthrax in anyway...I can't wait to hear the song, I know I'm going to love it. I would also defend the band against idiots that try to bash them. I guess my point is this, we as the diehard fans will support them. The problem is what other people perceive their motives to be, and how that may affect the band and their popularity. We've already seen what how the ill-informed and ignorant respond (ie. Adequacy and Blabbermouth), so the fact is, how is Joe Public going to see this? Negative PR and being the butt of jokes isn't going to win over any new fans, at a time when their fan base is already low enough.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is, no matter how good the band's intentions, is this a wise move for them? (I'm not saying that it is or isn't, I'm merely playing devil's advocate for the sake of debate)
Originally posted by Nathan Arizona, Sr.
I'm excited to hear the new song no matter what.

I didn't read the comments posted on Blabbermouth because.......well, 'cuz experience has shown me that people open their traps to spew negativity more often than not.
And who the hell needs that?

I just need new ANTHRAX.

Perhaps the best comment yet! Way 2 go Nathan!


How long have we been biding our time trying to come up with shit to talk to each other about.........I'll give those newbies in here a hint.......A LONG FUCKIN TIME!!!!!

For the die hards and those who happen to stumble onto our little space of cyberspace to enjoy a bright spot in an other wise dreary day.......... I say HELL YEAH. This is a great thing, from a great band........strictly for their fans and as a tribute to those who are gone, those who helped heal and for those of us still here.

I for one......REFUSE TO BE DENIED!!!!

Its about time my friends..........
I too

"Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied"!

Instead of spending the day in sadness and remorse I am going to listen to that song over and over again ( provided it doesnt suck and I doubt it will), thinking of reasons why bombing these fuck holes back into the stoneage is such a good idea.
and i to0 "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied" "Refuse to be Denied"! MY NEW ANTHRAX

I will be sharing my Depends with Thraxdude, and anyone else for that matter...only 7 hours to go!!

Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...Refuse to Be Denied....Refuse to Be Denied...