Reggae's message ain't appreciated in France??


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
I never cared for Reggae, but this makes me want to listen even more. Talkin about free speech? Soon the U.S. will be like this:

A reggae festival in Paris has been cancelled after complaints about the anti-gay lyrics of singer Sizzla.

French gay groups said that some of the Jamaican performer's songs incited violence against homosexuals.

The Garrance Reggae festival featuring Sizzla was called off "because of the risk of public disorder", according to the event's organisers.

France has stringent laws against the defamation of any social groups who have been subject to discrimination.

Sizzla was one of 11 acts who were due to perform at Saturday's festival. Six of the singer's eight planned concerts in France have so far been cancelled.

The move comes after several performances by another Jamaican reggae star, Capleton, were shelved after complaints about the singer's violently homophobic lyrics.

Sizzla's five-date tour of the UK was cancelled last year following complaints about his homophobic lyrics.

But the singer was unrepentant, saying in an interview "they can't ask me to apologise".

"They've got to apologise to God because they break God's law," he added.

In one of his songs, Pump Up, have Jamaican patois lyrics which have been translated by OutRage as "burn the men who have sex with men".

He's merely giving constructive advice that can be ignored by his audience. What's the prob?

Sizzla is great! I caught him when I went to the Bahamas, definitely a fun concert. That's a pretty funny article:tickled: Thanks for bringing up some good memories:worship: