Reign In Blood - the book

May 28, 2004
Received the book 2 days ago and read it on the same day in one session.
Just awesome! And I was surprised to read that Kerry King was the "straight edge" guy in the band at that time. Whow, who would have thought that?
There are many more details that made me listening to Reign In Blood again and again and again ... This album rules! Sort of my first love in Metal :)
Also I've never before recognized the two figures in the cover painting on front middle and the front right carrying the chair having errected cocks. The one with the pope hat is also holding one in his hand. Beautiful evil.
If you like Slayer get the book!
There's also a myspace site with some info:
Slayer's biography was written by Jarosław Szubrycht and it's called "Bez litości" ("No mercy" or "Show no Mercy"). Cool book, I read it about year ago.


While im waiting for Office 2K7 to load up...

Get "The Bedside Book of Bastards". This is a great little book full of short reads about some real fuckers in history, both men AND women. Since we are rather worldly here, some may know many of these people, but there more than a few i never heard of.

One of favorite guys though,,, Liver Eating Johnson. :)

One of the worst - Sawney Beane and family.