Reino Ermitaño - Rituales Interioures
Ihate Records - June 2008
By Brandon Peters
Reino Ermitaño hail out of Peru playing an ethereal type doom metal. The previous Reino Ermitaño albums have been kind of a mix of rocky doom mixed with heavy doom riffs. While Brujas Del Mar went more into heavy doom riffs and the self titled was more rock oriented, they kind of progress into something special on their junior release.
Rituales Interioures sounds so majestic and out of this world without using the usual concepts of space. It has a magical feeling and atmosphere that most bands cannot tap into. What creates this magical and majestic atmosphere is the combination of the heavy doom guitars and the beautiful singing. The vocalist has a voice that carries the music by itself, but part of the ethereal feeling probably comes with hearing such a smooth beautiful Spanish sung in such a dreamy way. The riffs in the album are not hook-tastic, but they have enough substance to keep the listener attentive; however, the use of the bass is always incredible in Reino Ermitaño. The band utilizes the bass lines almost exactly like Geezer from Black Sabbath. Songs like 'El Sol Tras la Niebla' and 'Desencarnado' are a testament to the atmosphere of the bands and their superb songwriting.
Reino Ermitaño is a great band and deserves so much more recognition. If you like heavy music or traditional doom metal, this is definitely worth your hard earned money. After many spins, Rituales Interioures continues to grow in beauty and depth; each listen provides something different to the ear.
Official Band Website
Official Band Myspace
Official Ihate Website
Ihate Records - June 2008
By Brandon Peters

Reino Ermitaño hail out of Peru playing an ethereal type doom metal. The previous Reino Ermitaño albums have been kind of a mix of rocky doom mixed with heavy doom riffs. While Brujas Del Mar went more into heavy doom riffs and the self titled was more rock oriented, they kind of progress into something special on their junior release.
Rituales Interioures sounds so majestic and out of this world without using the usual concepts of space. It has a magical feeling and atmosphere that most bands cannot tap into. What creates this magical and majestic atmosphere is the combination of the heavy doom guitars and the beautiful singing. The vocalist has a voice that carries the music by itself, but part of the ethereal feeling probably comes with hearing such a smooth beautiful Spanish sung in such a dreamy way. The riffs in the album are not hook-tastic, but they have enough substance to keep the listener attentive; however, the use of the bass is always incredible in Reino Ermitaño. The band utilizes the bass lines almost exactly like Geezer from Black Sabbath. Songs like 'El Sol Tras la Niebla' and 'Desencarnado' are a testament to the atmosphere of the bands and their superb songwriting.
Reino Ermitaño is a great band and deserves so much more recognition. If you like heavy music or traditional doom metal, this is definitely worth your hard earned money. After many spins, Rituales Interioures continues to grow in beauty and depth; each listen provides something different to the ear.
Official Band Website
Official Band Myspace
Official Ihate Website