Reinxeed - Majestic

I love the debut album, The Light. Higher is good too but the production was way weaker. I wish a major label like Spinefarm would sign him so he could afford a Finnvox-type recording/mastering...Tommy is a real talented dude. I dig what I'm hearing of the new material :)
yeah something was way wrong with the sound on Higher. They got the balance all wrong and it was thin as paper but I think the new one should be much much better all round. According to metal archives it's already been released on the 24th of March but it's a small label so god knows where you can buy it any time soon.
yeah something was way wrong with the sound on Higher. They got the balance all wrong and it was thin as paper

As for Majestic, here's a blurb from ReinXeed's facebook page...

Release date for "Majestic" is 24/03 in Japan and in the rest of the worl in April. And I can also tell you that the fourth album is in progress, with more then half completed! And also that we are working on some live shows outside Sweden, so maybe we'll see you on tour ;)

The 4th album is already half completed, wow.
I was listening to this album and it's one hell of a ride. It is the best ReinXeed album by far. It's still not fully released but due in August on Rivel Records but trying to get your hands on this is gonna be a hell of a job for your pockets hehe! Anyway Tommy posted on ReinXeed's facebook that the 4th album is already nearly recorded as you said above and it's a concept album. In my opinion they should finish the 4th one and release them as a double album together. That would be something nice to own for the few fans they have.