ReinXeed - Welcome to the Theater

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
It's barely a year since Tommy's last and best ReinXeed album 1912 about Titanic of course but he's back. He don't mess around much does he! I guess there's not too much to do in Sweden but make metal music lol. His new album is I think going to top 1912. Amazing teaser medley!

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Timely post. Just last night I was telling myself it was time to pick up a ReinXeed album and I was wondering which was the best one to get. Sounds like 1912 is the answer! Thanks...
1912 is the best produced, but I actually thought the songs were all too similar. I think Majestic has better songwriting. Hopefully this one will be the best yet.
Could be argued that a lot of ReinXeed songs are really similar, regardless of album. I still like it though. Another vote for 1912 probably being the best.
This is easily the best ReinXeed album of all. The songwriting is super catchy. I didn't realise it at the time of my original post but the songs are all based on famous blockbusters. I haven't quite figured out which film all the songs are about for certain as one or two elude me.

Welcome - intro
Life will find a way - Jurassic Park
Follow Me - Not sure maybe Superman?
Save Us - Spiderman or Batman?
Stranger Tides - Obvious PotC
Somewhere in time - Back to the Future
Freedom - Braveheart
No Fate - Highlander
Temple of the crystal sculls - obvious Indiana Jones
Welcome to the theater - general song about movies

anyway here is Stranger Tides which makes use of the He's a Pirate theme with slight differences to create glorious power metal magic. My fave power metal album so far this year. I think I like it more than Carolus Rex even. Most of the songs are on YT check'em out you won't regret it. The album is glorious beyond mere words!

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Almost right, Fire breath.

Follow Me - Star Wars
Save Us - Superheroes (Spiderman, X-men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Superman)
No Fate - Terminator (Judgement day)

You're right about this though: "This is easily the best ReinXeed album of all. The songwriting is super catchy."
The new Pathfinder is still my number 1 disc of the year so far, but ReinXeed's Welcome to the Theater is in the top 3 for sure.
I really enjoy Tommy and what he does with ReinXeed, this album was no expection, though the production seemed alittle lacking. I really hope he gets enough money get some good equipment.
Almost right, Fire breath.

Follow Me - Star Wars
Save Us - Superheroes (Spiderman, X-men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Superman)
No Fate - Terminator (Judgement day)

You're right about this though: "This is easily the best ReinXeed album of all. The songwriting is super catchy."
The new Pathfinder is still my number 1 disc of the year so far, but ReinXeed's Welcome to the Theater is in the top 3 for sure.

Oh right! Thanks for putting me right Kazar cause I wasn't sure on some of them. Oh and I also adore Pathfinder's new album. It's very close between them but lately I'm non stop playing ReinXeed.

As for the production Nidstang I can't hear any problem. Sounds perfect to my ears.
Almost right, Fire breath.

Follow Me - Star Wars
Save Us - Superheroes (Spiderman, X-men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Superman)
No Fate - Terminator (Judgement day)

You're right about this though: "This is easily the best ReinXeed album of all. The songwriting is super catchy."
The new Pathfinder is still my number 1 disc of the year so far, but ReinXeed's Welcome to the Theater is in the top 3 for sure.

Can you give me some more info on Pathfinder please - style of music, discography, etc. Looks like a band I need to check out. Thanks much!!
I'm just gonna quote myself from a thread about the album over @ Power Quest's forum.

I think it's okay. Not as good as 1912, which has grown on me a LOT, but solid. The lyrics are hilariously bad, though. Never thought I'd say this, because I'm a fan, and have ordered every album from Japan, save The Light, but I was disappointed in the fact they couldn't even hire a proofreader for the booklet. It's so riddled with spelling and grammatical errors it's not even funny. Maybe I should offer my services?

Musically and productionwise, it's cool. The songs have taken a little longer to gel, but that's to be expected. Best tracks so far are: "Welcome" (yes, the intro!), "Somewhere In Time", "Temple of the Crystal Skulls" (ReinXeed in a nutshell) and the title track.

I wish he'd go back and remix and remaster Higher and Majestic, which would elevate them from awesome to f*n awesome. Especially Higher would benefit so much from a proper production job.
....but I was disappointed in the fact they couldn't even hire a proofreader for the booklet. It's so riddled with spelling and grammatical errors it's not even funny...

....I wish he'd go back and remix and remaster Higher and Majestic, which would elevate them from awesome to f*n awesome. Especially Higher would benefit so much from a proper production job....

Absolutely agreed on the first part, the professionalism is far away in that section.
'Higher' would indeed be absolutely amazing with a better production (now it has the worst production on a CD I've ever heard), Majestic is still listenable IMO.
Having given it a good listen, I'm still liking 1912 better, but I do like it. I am not big on these movie themed albums though. The lyrics always seem forced. I wasn't big on "Victims of the Modern Age" either for this reason, and I think Arjen walks on water.

I agree completely on remastering "The Light." Probably not financially viable, but who knows.