Rejected screen-play ideas: let's have a competition!


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Found this cool site today:

It's a blog set up by a screenwriter's agent where he posts examples of query letters from screenplays he's rejected. Most of them are bizarre and/or stupid to say the least, but I reckon some of the ideas aren't half as bad as some of the films that actually get made. So, in that spirit, I'm suggesting that we make up little synopses of silly or ordinary movies we've seen lately (or whenever), and we have to guess what movie they're for.

I'll go first:

"An ethereal being enlists the aid of a cold-blooded outlaw with the gift of nocturnal sight to bring down an army of planet-destroying religious cultists led by a ruthless being who is half-man, half-something else. The only hope for the survival of humanity, the outlaw must first escape the clutches of mercenary bounty-hunters, who deposit him in a prison colony deep within a planet where surface reaches the fearsome temperature of 700 degrees in daylight hours. When the mercenaries and the prison guards clash, the outlaw and several other prisoners must race across the surface before sunrise to reach the mercenaries’ spacecraft. Ambushed by a group of cultists just as they reach it, the outlaw nonetheless escapes to face the final cataclysmic battle with the cult leader."


There are no prizes for foolishness like this.
That wouldn't be "The Chronicles of Riddick", perchance? Not that I've seen it, but it sounds like it might be similar, what with the "outlaw" and the "nocturnal sight".
Hmm, I tend to stay away from films which I kind of expect or hear aren't very good, so I'm not sure I can contribute much to this thread. Actually, maybe I can.

"A man travels far away and his vehicle gets into some mischief. His wife looks up at the sky a lot, crying."