Relationship ended a while back. Have some metal about life :D


Hey ho! What's up folks?

Like us all, I had some shitty bullshit happen a few months ago and it's only recently that I've been able to start focusing on moving forward. I've found that the easiest way for me to do that is by writing / creating things and then leaving them behind. The easiest way of describing it would be:

Imagine you are walking through a desert (because, why not? :D) and you're carrying all these things with you that you can't put down because they are locked inside boxes. As time goes on you start using your time to do something constructive and you start making keys for these boxes. One by one you make another key for another box and in turn each one falls to the floor. You keep walking and the past becomes more and more cemented behind you, rather than being dragged into the present. You keep the keys but none of the boxes. A reminder of what you've done before, but without any of the weight it burdens.

The track is about what I never want to be able to say about my own life when my time comes and is supposed to make you think about your own life in turn. It's currently a work in progress.


That's it, my time was up,
I watched the sand as it fell from the cup,
It made a mountain of my time itself,
Each grain a choice I could have made,

Do I regret my life? You bet I do,

I sat and drained myself,
Too scared to taste the foreign new,
Wasted what I had to hold just once,

Do you feel you've seen enough?
Your time is up,
What do you see?
How do you feel?
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