Metal Mix have some questions!


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2006
a friend and myself have started getting the gear together to start a smaller studio more geared toward local bands on a very tight budget but without sacrificing overall sound quality. We've gotten just about everything set up besides room treatment unfortunately and I had some questions about a mix I've been working on.

Some friends of ours have come in with some newer songs that they possibly plan on releasing and I am extremely happy with what we've been able to do with what we have. My only concerns at the moment are the toms and snare. They've been replaced with Steven Slate Drums and are quite good compared to what we started with, however I feel that there can be more room for the toms in the mix to they sit more comfortably and can be more in your face.

The snare is pretty decent sounding, but again I feel it could be more in your face. I don't know that there's going to be much I can do with it in this case because of how we mic'ed the OHs (pointing down) but if anyone has tips about these or anything else they hear please let me know! Thanks!

Here's the song, also, let me know if this link works or not. Earth Master.mp3
any other details you can provide as far as the overall guitar chain used, effects, master settings, mix settings, etc. would be helpful to provide pointers or tips to help specific aspects.