Drop G Oceano type mix

What the fuck ?
Didnt embrace such a shitstorm.
Vocals need a lot of work, compression, saturation, eq and some delay.
The rest is cool i guess, although I dislike the drums, especially the snare.
The guitars are weak cause the bass guitar is weak. The vocals are weak cause theres not enough compression on them and they have no real "attack". The whole mix is clear which is nice, but it all just sounds separated there's no "glue" holding it all together.

The drums just don't feel like they are a part of the mix at all. They are very very "programmed" they have no humanization at all and its very noticeable.

As for the "not being good at mastering" you need to learn how to mix properly before mastering. It you dont like the sound BEFORE you master it, you wont like the sounds AFTER you master it.
Sounds good Shaun but i would blend that snare with and extra sample with more mids for more smack . guitars could come up in the mix 2 db louder . Of course that is just a personal preference :p .You have a nice starting point with this mix.
I just love that people come here get info from others on pod settings and such. Then use them and then its some kind of big secret when someone else asks about there tone.

I always tell people Threadplate, tube screamer, condensor. I have nothing to hide. Guitar chain is psp vintage warmer, C4, Eq notchs and cuts per guitar and song. I have said this dozens off times. If you want a really punchy tone. Make the guitar player play punchy. The amp settings honestly depend on the guitar and tuning
Not vibing the hate train.
I think its a good start for beginners in producing music, I'm sure if we aspire to be more than Sturgis after we get the basics of producing, then it's all good.
It's all your perspective aswell Gareth, btw: Slice The Cake fucking rules, good job. Now get together and play a show. :)
And hello everyone, I'm new to this forum.