Drop G Deathcore mix


Mar 28, 2008
New Zealand
Hey guys, in-progress mix for a heavy band (they really like Oceano) from Palmerston North, New Zealand called Depths (http://www.facebook.com/depthsnz)

They used to be in drop B but recently changed to G and I recorded them a 5 track EP, just working on one of the songs to base the other off at the moment;


I think they write some pretty mean songs, just after some advice on the mix.

you could stick some delay on the lead tone i reckon, but it wont do much to make it creepier as such. the only way to get it creepier is to rerecord the lead guitars and have the notes they actually perform sound creepier lol
Yeah I realised I mixed down through Ozone so it was squashed up. I'll fix that. Also trying to fix some of the EQ on the guitars and the sibilance on the vox
am I the only one loving this? haha, I usually bash the shit out of everything, but this is the best stuff I've heard on the forum for a while. guitars sound really meaty, mettalic and alive. drums cut through just enough without being to bright, obvious slate-ness though, but that's ok for the genre. vocals aren't harsh at all. mixing the bass at this tuning is a PAIN, but all metalheads know the perfect bass sound is close to inaudible! haha. great production too. I kneel before you.
Only slate samples are snare11 (only about 20% blend for the low end) and kick10 and that's blended with some other kicks I have. Thanks for the feedback man, it's nice to hear positive feedback but I'm still learning so I'd love to fix things before the actual release.
mix is pretty sick, i like you you can hear everything well, i cant hear the bass too well but thats because i cant turn my subs on right now. however i dont know how i feel about the band. obviously trying to rip off oceano. i mean come on, they took their name from one of oceano's albums.
I agree witk Backe, I really like your mix, sounds clear and powerful. The only thing would be the vocals that stick out maybe a little from the mix.
second mix is much better. if you EQ'd some notches out of the guitar, you did a good job. read the extremely well written post ermz just made about guitar EQing. vocals now could benefit from a narrow notch somewhere in the mids, but other than that this is definitely coming along. good work!
Drop G and they still only manage to about as brutal as a bag of kittens.
When will people realise that heaviness comes from mood, feeling and quality composition rather than tuning your instrument down to drop fucking z?

But anywho, thought the first mix was better myself. Second mix is too dark for what this band is doing.
Some of their other songs show it better, but I do agree on tunings =/= brutal. They have been talking about tuning even lower but it can hinder live performance and the clarity of the notes.

Cheers on the feedback everyone, I'll be sure to rework some of the EQ now.
Tell them the sneap forum's drug addled pseudo-hippy thinks they're a bunch of twats for thinking that is a good idea.

And give them a smack upside the chops while you're at it.