Drop G Oceano type mix

did you use andy sneaps c4 settings?

how did you eq the treadplate? for some reason all my mixes seem to be muddy and its down to my guitars, are you boosting anything in your channel eq?
did you use andy sneaps c4 settings?

how did you eq the treadplate? for some reason all my mixes seem to be muddy and its down to my guitars, are you boosting anything in your channel eq?

Yeahh their was quite a few boost and cuts in certain areas where it was appropraite. Try to let everything fit in the right place in the mix. for example if your mix is muddy try taking some low end out of some more mid range instruments (nothing to drastic). I hope i don't sound like an idiot. But for this mix i highpassed at 70hz on guitars but it is different per guitar.

Let your ear, decide what needs to be boost or cut.

Thoughts on vocals?

I will try and get more info on what i did, i can't remember exactly of the top of my head.

Also where can i find the sneap C4 settings?
details on drum processing and mastering?

Drums were all eqed to fit right in the mix, quite a lot of automation to help them sit correctly.

The master is just a clipper (2), eq, compression. A lot eq adjustments on each tracks for clarity. I am not fully content with this mix, but i think it is good enough for now. The vocals are a little loud.

Any thoughts on them?
Also everyone, it is import to have everything balanced frequency wise, and level wise before it even goes to the mastering stage.

Still some things i could do to improve the overall clarity, but this is the best i have it so far, and i need to get it to the bands soon.

The main concern for this mix is the vocals, any thoughts on them?

Note: sorry for posting a thousand times in a row!
There vocals sound far back in the mix. No presence. Granted a lot of that his vocal style. The editing on this is sick, although some of the guitar cut outs are too clean/fake.

This band def wants to be Oceano, and I think you did a great job giving them that sound.
Try parallel compression on the vocals to make them pop more I did that on a recent production and it worked miracles...
There vocals sound far back in the mix. No presence. Granted a lot of that his vocal style. The editing on this is sick, although some of the guitar cut outs are too clean/fake.

This band def wants to be Oceano, and I think you did a great job giving them that sound.

Thanks a lot for the input man! With the way these vocals sounded before hand i think i did wonders with making them sound somewhat better. I am going to lower some high fregencies in the vocals to give them a solid sound, also some levels with them need to be automated.
As far as the guitar cutting, a lot of the times in this case there's some unwanted noise from the guitar player muting a chug i usually try to take it out some other way but i usually just end up cutting it. I hate noisy ass guitars!

But thanks man. What would you suggest to spice up the vocals?
This band told me, make it sound like Oceano. I took aspects of how it was mixed sorta and just mixed with my taste to what fit the song the best.
Thanks for all the input guys, I really appreciate it.

Feel free to give your opinions/suggestions. Will do a few minor changes and post it eventually.