My first mix Oceano type FTFD-ish

Shaun Werle

Dec 30, 2009
Brodheadsville PA
Hey guys this is my first thread ever. Here's a song i just got done doing with my new gear, I orginally did as a joke for my friend since he likes heavy music but it started sounding awesome! I thought i would bring to you guys to dig up what you think of it. It reminds me off oceano, also like for the fallen dreams. all the instruments are me and my brother, also no vocals yet, I'll prob post that sometime next week i am super busy in the studio with this band.

NOTE: Keep in mind I am sorta new to recording. but I have been working real hard to get my mixes sounding tight, to me atleast.

Hope the link works^ haha sorry i am such a Newbie.

If anyone is interested in what i am using, just let me know!

(I think it makes it sound worse, I think this has something to do with my converter) not sure
thanks guys :)
Is that reverb I'm hearing all up in your guitars?
It's got potential but everything sounds too far back, you haven't really emphasized anything.
Is that reverb I'm hearing all up in your guitars?
It's got potential but everything sounds too far back, you haven't really emphasized anything.

Nahh man, the drums are running a crazy reverb bus, well just the toms and snare. I believe the guitars are up front just some Eq and a little compression what would you suggest for emphasizing the mix?
thanks for the post man!
Not bad dude. The guitars seem a bit loud, and the cymbals sound a little weird. Not sure what processing you have on them. I dig that glitch effect though
Also, that china sounds like it's cracked to hell and back haha

hahahah +1 The china Has like half of it gone!!! made me laugh. I hadn't had money to replace it, I have been buying a lot of audio gear.

Thanks man!
I have meinl byzance and a customs i think they all are cracked!
I am buying some new ones soon though, what would you suggest for cymbals? What chain should i be running them through
I recorded them with RODE NT5s i think you use them as well.

I am have one concern though, do you think my volume of the mix is loud enough? should i be using more compression yada yada ?

but thanks man!