A breath of fresh air from A#

sounds completely acceptable for the style my man!

a breath or fresh air, though? i wouldn't say that by any stretch of the imagination... that's just me! =D
Can you tell more about your work on the voice?

Otherwise, the piano thing that comes out of nowhere isn't really great.

Hey yeah like i mentioned, I didn't have much time to do this mix. It's just there's always a thousand things going on in this mix and it's hard to make everything stand out the best in each part. Vocals are mostly getting some decent takes and changing lines. Than doubling (everything) Than throwing a harmony or octave or both under it. Sometimes, 8 layers. Before the main chorus where he says "Well we need to wake up" it's like 4 different layers doubled.
Than the cleans are compressed with a 1176 plug in. to shit. than l1, than eqed, de-essed. A doubler is on there too to give it the effect even though everything is doubled already. than sent to two reverbs on different aux tracks. Graph tuned in auto tune (which i hate)
Everything edited manually to be completely on time.

mic used at4040
It's not that i hate the bands i do, it's just I did a band that was more singing than screaming, you know what i am saying?

oh no no, i totally understand you now... i just (wrongly) assumed the statement in a much too general way! =D

also, CLN vox came out great! they can be a bitch to deal, especially in this style where layers upon layers are the norm!