Releasing a E.P./Album on a custom USB drive? Price?


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
So I know this is probably old news to most people, but after seeing a Miller branded usb stick that was given away as a promotional thing today I thought, what about releasing an album/e.p. this way?

You could have 2 WAV's and MP3's in separate folders, artwork, lyrics and the usual stuff you'd get with a cd, aswell as phone wallpapers or something.

Has anyone done this themselves before? What was the cost like compared to getting cd's printed? And of course, did the fans like it?

Cheers for any info you can give :)
As far as I know it's still significantly more expensive than CD's.

I recall Third Eye Blind or someone doing this and the sales not being great.
We actually considered something like this for my band at one point and it just seemed too impractical. I liked the idea of doing a 24bit wav and a 256mp3 though.
Other alternative options we considered were album specific iTunes giftcards and other prepaid d/l options.
Yeah I reckon the price might be pretty prohibitive. Done some calculations and you can probably just squeeze WAV's. Mp3's and cover art etc on a 512Mb stick, though if its a longer album (45 mins or more) then you're probably looking at getting a 1Gb one.

Might possibly encourage people to buy it compared to a cd is the fact that aswell as the music they have something practical at the end of it. Think I am gonna email someone for a quote, though I'm reluctant as last time I emailed CD replication companies I was getting emails from them for a couple of weeks afterwards!

If I find out anything I'll report back.
I've seen a few bands do this, like Ringo and Madonna. It seems to be more of a vanity thing at the moment. Its still a great idea, though.
i thought about this some time ago, esp. with interesting designs to give the people even more reason to buy.

we actually wanted bacon style usb drives ;-) as we are heavily salvadore dali inspired


unfortunately prices are at least 5-6 € per stick with only 128 mb when you order custom designed ones.
AND you have to take like 1000 pieces, whcih would be 50,000€ that you had to pay in advance,
which is impossible for a small band.
Is it not a massive disadvantage that you can't play it on a cd player/ in your car? Whats the massive advantage that outweighs that? Maybe I missed something but this seems kind of stupid to me.

Is it not a massive disadvantage that you can't play it on a cd player/ in your car? Whats the massive advantage that outweighs that? Maybe I missed something but this seems kind of stupid to me.


I kinda agree. I'd rather buy a cd and throw it on my mp3 player myself. I have tons of random USB sticks just laying around that never get used, why would I want another?

If bands did this, I would personally never buy it.
i think its a good idea - get onto ebay and find hong kong seller to buy in bulk from and you'll prob get the price down as low as a cd if you buy enough of them
I'm thinking of it more as an option than a replacement for cd's to be honest. 90% of people only seem to listen to music from an Mp3 player these days so i think the idea of just dragging and dropping the files rather than ripping cd's would be good.

Also a cool advantage for bands is that if you're working on a new album and haven't sold all your pensticks from your previous album you can just put new files on it, so you don't need to get cd's printed (depending on how many you have left and how many you need)

Or you could update sticks with your latest songs/demo's/live tracks/photoshoots/whatever when fan's come to your gigs. You could record the gig using desk outputs into a Gemini Ikey and then transfer the file's onto fan's sticks so they have a mp3 of the show they just saw.

Was talking to my guitarist today and he's quite liking the idea of trying it out almost like a fan club type thing. You buy the E.P. on a stick, fans pop it into your pc/mac and pull the files over, then at the next show they come up to you with the stick and you give them some new stuff. I feel it might even encourage people to come to shows.

Obviously not being able to play in a car cd player sucks, but then car stereo's with usb connections seem to be getting more common these days. Plus again, alot of people seem to be using Ipod connections for their car (I know I get sick of changing cd's in the car, hence why I use my MP3 player into the aux these days) and a Ipod dock for their home stereo. So it might not be as big a inconvenience as you think.

Really I think its an interesting idea, and while I don't think it's going to replace cd's it might be a cool extra. Gonna quiz some friends about it and see what they think of it as a concept. I've emailed a company to see about prices, and their minimum order is only 50 units so provided its not extortionate and there's some interest in it I think this could be a cool experiment.
i think its a good idea, as its versatile to the content you can provide, etc. but it just seems cost prohibitive. if you can find a good manufacturer who could do it for like $2 or $3 maybe, but i think to get those things branded its well above double that amount
I'd rather buy a vinyl than a USB stick though..... Seems like you get more for your money....

But throw in a USB stick when I buy your vinyl.... Now we are talking ;-)