

New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2005
Just expressed my thoughts to a fellow Phoenix rocker named Alice Cooper about my faith. Im a rocker and always have been, but have lost friends and potential love interests to the fact that I LOVE the music of Iron Maiden. Im writing this post in regard to posts by band members of "Iron Maidens", as their thoughts and nice comments reflect my own regarding the passing of the Pope. I feel that his presence on this Earth helped human life and mankind to live better, and that there was was not a mean bone or thought in his body. That man lived a life dedicated to the betterment of humankind regardless of whatever faith one may worship or choose in life or death. Of the billions of breathing people who live on this planet today, Pope John Paul loved us all regardless of race, religion, etc. He did however make it clear that he was a world leader, and challenged other world leaders about topics that were both popular and not. This Pope challenged the Russian Empire and the Mighty Americans as well in the middle of a potential nuclear standoff. I believe we should privately thank this man for all people regardless of personal faith, religion or doctrine. If there ever was one person to represent the human species, I feel that we lost that person last weekend, and that person loved us all genuinely as a whole.
I love the music of Iron Maiden, and dont think its evil.........just morbid, prophecy, and devil may care. This band (Iron Maiden) may be one of the most misunderstood heavy metal bands in history. The Iron Maiden(s) are a fine tribute band. I like them even more after I found out they are as human and caring as I feel about the Pope, yet rock, fight and kick ass in the Maiden spirit............Up the Irons.....Matt
AZ_maidenfan said:
I love the music of Iron Maiden, and dont think its evil.........

Well I will tell you why people think Iron Maiden is Devil music. It's because there are those who think that anyone who plays guitar that sophisticated, detailed, fast and lets the music talk, must possessed by a Demon.. Hee, hee, hee. :flame:
AZ_maidenfan said:
Just expressed my thoughts to a fellow Phoenix rocker named Alice Cooper about my faith. Im a rocker and always have been, but have lost friends and potential love interests to the fact that I LOVE the music of Iron Maiden. Im writing this post in regard to posts by band members of "Iron Maidens", as their thoughts and nice comments reflect my own regarding the passing of the Pope. I feel that his presence on this Earth helped human life and mankind to live better, and that there was was not a mean bone or thought in his body. That man lived a life dedicated to the betterment of humankind regardless of whatever faith one may worship or choose in life or death. Of the billions of breathing people who live on this planet today, Pope John Paul loved us all regardless of race, religion, etc. He did however make it clear that he was a world leader, and challenged other world leaders about topics that were both popular and not. This Pope challenged the Russian Empire and the Mighty Americans as well in the middle of a potential nuclear standoff. I believe we should privately thank this man for all people regardless of personal faith, religion or doctrine. If there ever was one person to represent the human species, I feel that we lost that person last weekend, and that person loved us all genuinely as a whole.
I love the music of Iron Maiden, and dont think its evil.........just morbid, prophecy, and devil may care. This band (Iron Maiden) may be one of the most misunderstood heavy metal bands in history. The Iron Maiden(s) are a fine tribute band. I like them even more after I found out they are as human and caring as I feel about the Pope, yet rock, fight and kick ass in the Maiden spirit............Up the Irons.....Matt

Thanks for your thoughts, Matt and welcome to the boards! :wave:

Your post proves yet again that the fans of the music of Iron Maiden are among the most thoughtful and intelligent people around. If those who make snap judgments based on what they've heard said rather than what they actually hear with their own ears and brain the music of Iron Maiden wouldn't be nearly as misunderstood as it is.

And if you've lost "friends" or potential love interests due to the fact that you love great music, just remember the old adage : "Rejection is God's protection!"

Up the Irons! \m/
That's why I love this message board. Everyone here respects each other's thoughts and feelings even if we don't always agree. I want to just send out a great big hug and thumbs up to everyone who participates. I admire and appreciate anyone who stands as an example of what TRUE humanity should be whether or not I share their philosophy. Mother Teresa was just as beautiful of a person. We should all aspire to their greatness. Even if it means being kind to a "not-so-nice" person.

As far as the misconception of metal music and the people revolved around it, well I have met the most awesome people through the metal scene. Metal heads are like the coolest people I know. They carry a certain confidence because they know that the music is looked down upon. I love metal and I always will. Mighty talented people out there. Just look at the MaidenS!! :rock: I am a great believer in the Great Spirit. Everything that I am and have is because of HIS love. I know that I can love my Creator and metal music. He is the only one that can judge me so I don't worry about the opinion of others.

Much metal and magic! Stay fierce my friends!! :rock: :worship: :rock:
The way I see it is almost any given song is just a short story set to music. Sometimes there is an obvious satanic message, but most of the time there's not. If you are foolish enough to commit your life to "evil" just because some twit in stinky leather pants and a face drenched in cow's blood told you to, thats your fault. Don't blame the music!
Lord of Delusions said:
The way I see it is almost any given song is just a short story set to music. Sometimes there is an obvious satanic message, but most of the time there's not. If you are foolish enough to commit your life to "evil" just because some twit in stinky leather pants and a face drenched in cow's blood told you to, thats your fault. Don't blame the music!

Yea but what about those who have an expanded consciousness and can read the code in a song, see it with their third eye, are hear a subliminal language behind the metaphor a language that say; only those who were born with eggnog between the ears are capable of seeing what is meant? Don’t you know that some songs are only truly understood by a collect few?

That's my theory..hee, hee "I can see what you mean, it just takes me longer".
RoboCaster said:
Yea but what about those who have an expanded consciousness and can read the code in a song, see it with their third eye, are hear a subliminal language behind the metaphor a language that say; only those who were born with eggnog between the ears are capable of seeing what is meant? Don’t you know that some songs are only truly understood by a collect few?

That's my theory..hee, hee "I can see what you mean, it just takes me longer".

Bah, those are people who need to get out of the house and do something with their lives. If they spent more time in the real world they wouldn't have room for all that "expanded consiousness". :hypno:
Lord of Delusions said:
Bah, those are people who need to get out of the house and do something with their lives. If they spent more time in the real world they wouldn't have room for all that "expanded consiousness". :hypno:

OH? no Comprehend ..? sorry to hear it... hee, he,he. Pretty bizzare concept huh? Music theory can be deeper then you can know, and creativity is at the essence, trust me. Code in music is an old thing. Yea they used it along time ago to sing about drug dealers delivering the goods and getting high, but hiding it with the metaphor of candy man in order to hide the celebration of the culture from the parents at that time. Have you never been aware of higher concepts the that which is the most superficial? I despise superficiality in most of it's forms, myself.
Bottom line, only weak-minded people get that absorbed and use the old adage "the Devil made me do it" or in this case the music. If you can't handle listening to the music, then turn off the stereo! Music is meant to be an expression of the people putting it out. Back in the day, the whole "hidden" message thing was from an era that was more "patroled" and censored. We've come a long way baby! It's more excepted in this day and age to "get in someone's face" with your lyrics. Open-mindedness is ruling the planet now. Thank the Great Spirit for that!! :rock:
You're right in that the "Devil made me do it" thing don't work because of free will... For content I subscribe to Rob Halfred of Judas Priest and what he says when he writes songs he is like a cook adding a pinch of this and a dash of that and what is a pinch or a dash, only the cook can define that. Similar to Vietnamese language when words have more than one meaning, depends on the voice used. If you can make the song sing about one thing superficially and then actually imply another through innuendo and attitude, then you understand the theme behind the music. May at first sound like Biker music, but then it becomes as Hells angels.
Have any of you heard Christian music lately? I have a friend who listens to that stuff, she even took me to her church one time. I can't get into it, it's kinda like eating white bread, no taste. Those people refer to pop/rock as "secular" music. Yeah, whatever. Hey, everybody's got their own taste in music. Just don't persecute them for it. One of my favorite lines is from a Billy Joel song: "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, 'cause sinners have much more fun!"
I have a good friend back home that is pretty religious, and he turned me on to a couple Christian metal bands. It really wasn't what I was expecting. Hard core shit! Of course the message was pretty obvious, but it was still damn heavy music. And then he introduced me to the youth minister at his church...whoa. Go to any metal show and pick someone out of the croud. Chances are he is gonna be dressed just like them. Black pants, studded belt,boots, and shirt. Dark spikey hair, wallet chain, and ear rings. Turns out he was a hard core metal head before he found Jesus, and still listens to metal, but with a "different ear". Cool as shit. The youth minister at my wifes old church dressed in khaki shorts and a pink polo shirt...
WillyKing said:
Have any of you heard Christian music lately? I have a friend who listens to that stuff, she even took me to her church one time. I can't get into it, it's kinda like eating white bread, no taste. Those people refer to pop/rock as "secular" music. Yeah, whatever. Hey, everybody's got their own taste in music. Just don't persecute them for it. One of my favorite lines is from a Billy Joel song: "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, 'cause sinners have much more fun!"

Pick up a CD by the band Pillar. I caught them at Knotts on New Years eve. They kicked ass!! :rock: Unfortunately security wouldn't let us mosh and we got shut down after the 3rd song. Too many moms and little kids I guess. I first saw them on VH1's metal show. I was listening to the music and I started hearing what they were talking about and I was thinking "If Christian Metal had been like this in the 80's instead of that lame Stryper crap I would not have had to wait so long to find good stuff like this." I agree that most of the Christian stuff out there sucks hard but I occationally find some good stuff but you really have to keep your ear to the ground.

For those interested there is a magazine called HM magazine that has a lot of reviews and interviews with Christian and non-Christian heavy music artists.
My daughter is a Christian and attends Christian Heritage College. She actually has good taste in music. It's not my forte, but I keep an open mind. She likes P.O.D. and I think they rock. They're nice guys to boot. I ran into them at Cane's one night, about the time the their song "Alive" hit number one on the MTV music video charts. I said congrats on being #1 and Sonny, the lead singer, shook my hand and said thanks. They were very humble about the whole thing. It was funny though because I told them "yeah, my kids listen to your music all the time". So he gave me this look like "Oh, then I guess you don't?" :erk: But hey, what can I say? Just being honest!