Pope John Paul II


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Pope John Paul II...............RIP. God bless.........don't mean to turn this into a religious discussion or bashing session, regardless of your religion or beliefs. Another icon is gone. According to prophecy, the next Pope is supposedly the antichrist. Okay, I'm only asking for a flaming session here, but that's not the intent. I'm just sad that he is gone....regardless of my thoughts of his beliefs, I respect the man for what he was, even though I may or may not agree with all of his opinions. I'll just leave it at that.
I would agree with you Linda. I'm not Catholic and don't necessarily agree with a lot of Catholic doctrine but I do have to recognize him as a holy man and an extraordinary human being. In the "coincidence or God's plan" dept. I think it is interesting that because his death was not sudden, though he was imminently so for a short period of time it allowed people to come together in a way not seen before. Had he just died in his sleep one night I think that people would not have pulled together in the same way.

I think it would have been very interesting to have seen John Paul II dialog with the Dalai Lama. Now that would have been an interesting conversation.
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Pope John Paul II...............RIP. God bless.........don't mean to turn this into a religious discussion or bashing session, regardless of your religion or beliefs. Another icon is gone. According to prophecy, the next Pope is supposedly the antichrist. Okay, I'm only asking for a flaming session here, but that's not the intent. I'm just sad that he is gone....regardless of my thoughts of his beliefs, I respect the man for what he was, even though I may or may not agree with all of his opinions. I'll just leave it at that.

Really? I got a book on Notradamus for my Christmas one year and lent it to my friend who's never given it back yet! I really must get it back from her and read it again!

Frankly I’m getting tired of hear about him endlessly on TV. Man I got to get a Tivo! I never really cared about him much, I was in Rome and they wouldn’t let me in the Vatican thing, because I had shorts on.
I to am really sad that he passed away, and stood up to watch all the funeral on tv last thursday night. In 1987 when he came to Los Angeles I felt so humbled yet shocked to be chosen with two others from my school to be on stage with the Pope, and about 40 other high school students at the Universal Amphitheatre. It was even sadder that they replayed that event right before the funeral on KTLA (here in LA), pretty emotional because of the memory. Thats one of the highlights in my life. The 6,200 people sitting in front me made the place so electric it just ROCKED, like a concert. Then there was this man who played a guitar with his two feet (and sang a song) for the Pope since he didn't have any arms, and watching the Pope jump off the stage to greet him, which made me realize how healthy he was back then. I had seen this man play the guitar a couple of days before during rehearsals and was awed at his ability, it was a unique experience. The Pope loved everything, he had a most compassionate and happy look on his face, it was terrific. Unfortunately I didn't get to say something or even shake his hand since he seemed to concentrate to meet the people closest to him on the right side of the stage, I was on the left, but my friend got to shake his hand and say a few words to him, so that was way cool. Anyways, not that I wanted to make this long, just thought I'd share this memory since it was a once in a lifetime experience. He made the world a better place.
At least the pope tried.. still most people will forget what he tried to do soon.. Such hippocrates (sp?).. Crying while watching the funeral, and cheating on taxes next week, and stuff like that..
I saw a picture of our new Pope on the cover of the Seattle PI i believe it was and he looked a little evil to me. I am catholic so i may go to hell for saying that the Pope looks evil. :flame:
Stone said:
I saw a picture of our new Pope on the cover of the Seattle PI i believe it was and he looked a little evil to me. I am catholic so i may go to hell for saying that the Pope looks evil. :flame:

He was once upon a time a “Hitler Youth” :flame:, the new “Papa RATZI”!
alanbirdsell said:
I think it would have been very interesting to have seen John Paul II dialog with the Dalai Lama. Now that would have been an interesting conversation.

I think you would have had to be very close to hear what they said LOL! I've done sound for the DL twice and it was kinda weird. First after I set the mics I wasn't allowed up on the platform again, I think his handlers may have been afraid that I would contaminate his pillow or something. Second he talked so softly that I had to crank up the gain so high that I was on the verge of feedback most of the time (and this with no monitors!). And the people that came to see him speak! Wow! I don't think I have ever seen so many lost people in search of a meaning for their lives in one place at one time. And this was the business executive crowd, you know the dockers and $100 polo shirts. He was nice enough though, the little interaction he had with us. Mostly it was his "people" and a bunch of nuns. That and all the security and bomb sniffing dogs.

I will have to agree though with a lot of PJP's work, he was very storng on being a servant not an overlord. He really had the "you only get happiness by giving yourself away" bit to heart. I sure hope he is rockin' with the angels right now!

Peace all,

What I want to know is; why didn’t the Pope ever address the “UFO phenomena”?

You know they will go worship stains underneath a highway pass by the multitudes and treat is an miraculous appearance of Mary, but then dismiss actual UFO evidence and eye witness accounts as bunk…?

Makes one think about the belief system and human nature as it is and the mind set of believing but not seeing and the opposite of that.