Remedy for Crappy Days...

Special cake with cherries. It's actually that good that everyone who tasted it asked me for the recipe. To bad the recipe is two pages long...
I couldn't do the cake thing..but that does sound really good :)

When I have a shitty day, I generally need to sleep it off because sometimes there is no other way to change my mood. Sometimes occupying myself with other activities or talking with someone else helps, but not always.

OH..cartoons sometimes help :D

I hope you feel better!
I drink whisky and read. Transportation to a world where the narrative I'm most involved in is not the one of my own life helps a great deal.

Plus, the whisky headache makes sure all I think about for the next two days is sleep and painkillers.
Max, today I went back to school, which definitely qualifies as crappy. If I don't post on here for a few days, it's because I tried one of your remedies in the middle of the campus library. I won't say which one, but lets just say I'll be in jail for indecent exposure.