Remember Guitar Solos?! said:
Hail Metalheads! Do you remember when guitarists still actually played solos?!

Even if you don't, be sure to check out our killer new photo gallery of Blues Rock legend Tinsley Ellis.

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WTF are you listening to Metallica? Because most metal bands still play solos. The new Exodus Album was full of them. Have you heard of E-X-O-D-U-S? Or any other half decent band for that matter? Give me a call when you stop listening to Staind and Disturbed.

God Damn I am an asshole.
Thrillho said:
WTF are you listening to Metallica? Because most metal bands still play solos. The new Exodus Album was full of them. Have you heard of E-X-O-D-U-S? Or any other half decent band for that matter? Give me a call when you stop listening to Staind and Disturbed.

God Damn I am an asshole.

Yes, I've heard of Exodus you F-U-C-K-I-N-G moron! And I don't listen to Disturbed or Staind unless their respective record companies send me their latest discs.
exactly. i've bitched about this a few time previously but hey this bs is still going on, there are still bands playing guitar solos but it's gone from the mainstream completely. metallica quit the solos on their last album and even after kirk took lessons from the great satriani. that album could have been james and the local highschool drummer and it would have been damn near as good. i'm not here to knock st anger because i think james worked really hard on it i just think the rest have decided that sucking ass is ok.
anyway yes it seems no one can play guitar anymore unless we look for the underground. so yeah the mainstream not only sucks because they have lost their souls but also because they lack the ability to play their instruments. glorified punk rockers everywhere. but then again our fellow americans like pop music so what do you expect. shove some metal up their ass because as of now 9 out of 10 americans are pussys and they like it that way.
i'm in two bands now and the one that loves the punk is all about playing all the time and wants gigs and is totally in love with playing. the other band is talented as hell. they can play maiden, pantera, old metallica, hendrix, clapton, a million hair metal songs, etc and it's like pulling teeth to get them together so we can reherse. I'm here in medschool busting my ass to get something going and if i thought i could get a legit band going for one second i'd drop out tomorrow. but it's all a joke. i'd have to be in europe for this shit to actually go down. but whatever nevermind