Remember Mastermind?


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
I was listening to Angels of the Apocalypse and started wondering what happened to Lisa Bouchelle. Shortly after Angels of the Apocalypse, she did a guest appearance on the Leonardo project that Trent Gardner did with Magna Carta Records in 2000. But after that, there's no sign of her in the metal community.

So a quick internet search turned this up:

Turns out she's now a solo rock/pop artist having some modest success. Currently she's touring the US, opening for Blues Traveler.

She's still got that awesome voice, and as long as you aren't absolutely stuck on metal only mode, the music she's doing now is quite good. I'll definitely be buying a ticket to a show if she comes to where I am.
Angels wasn't a bad album, but I really liked their earlier stuff. All the albums were a little different style wise, but good prog rock. I first saw them in DC open up for Marillion. That was a good show. Despite even living near them for a while, the timing was never right to see them live, and of course, now I',m on the wrong side of the country. They probably aren't going to make it to the west coast to play.
Angels is an incredible album. Loved every song! Mastermind often plays the tri-state area. Haven't been able to make it to a show, however. Also, Lisa is no longer singing for the band.
My memory is a bit hazy, but didn't they open for Dream Theater once in the NY/NJ area back in 1994 or so? It would have been one of the shows I flew or drove up there to see...seems like I remember Mastermind opening at one of 'em.

Savvy ProgPower attendees also know that, curiously enough, Mastermind has some sort of marketing presence right around the block from the venue: :lol:
My memory is a bit hazy, but didn't they open for Dream Theater once in the NY/NJ area back in 1994 or so? It would have been one of the shows I flew or drove up there to see...seems like I remember Mastermind opening at one of 'em.

My memory isnt great either, but I think they were supposed to open for DT in 96 when I saw them at the Chance in Poughkeepsie. They backed out at the last possible minute and The Rudess/Morgenstein Project filled in on like a 2 hour notice. In fact Rod Morgenstein damn near ran me off the road coming off the Mid-Hudson bridge!
Well, looking at their web site (, it looks like the Berends brothers have put Mastermind in hiatus after their bass player died. It looks like they are still gigging as the Berends Bros. Band, just playing what they feel like right now.

I still think the high point for Mastermind was their performance at NEARFest. That was a blazing hot set, and to be honest, I don't think they have done as well before or since.

I think the last time I saw them they opened up for Transatlantic in DC. I've also seen Bill Berends at NEARFest some time ago selling his live album.

My memory isnt great either, but I think they were supposed to open for DT in 96 when I saw them at the Chance in Poughkeepsie. They backed out at the last possible minute and The Rudess/Morgenstein Project filled in on like a 2 hour notice. In fact Rod Morgenstein damn near ran me off the road coming off the Mid-Hudson bridge!

Hmmm, I remember R/MP opening for DT at a show up there, too, so that could have been the same tour...maybe Mastermind dropped out of more than one show?

R/MP were awesome, too; one of the best openers I'd ever seen for anyone at that point. A taste of things to come in Dt-land, too.