...17 years ago today Criss was taken from us by a drunk driver. He's truly a legend, so this tune goes out to him.
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...17 years ago today Criss was taken from us by a drunk driver. He's truly a legend, so this tune goes out to him.
Dawn never really recovered from the crash either. She's now just as dead.
I found these a few weeks ago while going through some old photo albums. I snapped these in a bar called the Living Room in Providence, RI. This was probably around '89. I had totally forgotten that I made it to the rail at that show.
That would have been 90 or later, since Jackson didn't start making that blue guitar until 90. I have always wanted that guitar in that (quite rare) colour. I never knew that Criss had one as well.
We also played a video pix presentation of Jon and the late, great
Criss Oliva as the introduction to our DVD concert in Tilburg,
Holland last Friday night. I will get the author to post it online
asap with the backing track being Silk-n-Steel.
We also played a video pix presentation of Jon and the late, great
Criss Oliva as the introduction to our DVD concert in Tilburg,
Holland last Friday night. I will get the author to post it online
asap with the backing track being Silk-n-Steel.
Chris has always been one of my favorite guitar players.... I still have a metal pick he gave me at the Thirsty Whale on the HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING tour... he played with such wreckless abandon and such a unique style... so much more music he could have blessed us with...RIP