remix of a metal track from 4 months ago


Sep 21, 2006
i posted this here about 4 months ago and got some pretty good feedback

i have since then remixed the track, and i like the results much better

my opinion is that this is the best i can make it sound for how we tracked it
it could use some more bass and warmth, but it's not really there in the tracking

real tracking begins for this bad boy in april, to be released on rise records in the summer

not really the right label for this band, but im still very stoked for this project, and very stoked to relieve some of the "the devil wears prada" rep i've got since their my biggest band to date....

anyways, lemme know what you think?
explain quad compression....i have talked with you before about this and since then i have searched and i have found nothing on sure you used it for this project....the recording sounds awesome...
"horus rises remix"

Thats the song right?

Anyhow it sounds great, except IMO the bass guitar it could use some more chunk. How did you track it?

the bass we used was so horrible, and i cant recall the make or model

i wouldnt be suprised if it was like from walmart or something

and yes, you are correct (horus rises remix)
explain quad compression....i have talked with you before about this and since then i have searched and i have found nothing on sure you used it for this project....the recording sounds thats dfhs right? pretty sure it is cause its good.....I've seen these guys live old band use to play with them.....they dont sound like that hardly at all.....ahhhh the beauty of digital recording....

multi-band compression
sounds great! guitars may be a little thin sounding, but it fits

you did devil wears prada too? theyre pretty cool
sounds great! guitars may be a little thin sounding, but it fits

you did devil wears prada too? theyre pretty cool

yeah, their thin but thats the most i can get out of it cuz its just single tracks, but thanks! like i said, can't wait to do the real tracks, its gonna sound beast

its was just a demo anyways

and yeah, i recorded (and still record) the devil wears prada