Remix Prison of Flesh (Reamping by Mr Lasse L., Vocals by Sneapser Uladyne, S2.0)


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
Howdy How,

that's a song Ed (Machinated) kindly mixed for us next year (the band is in my signature). Lasse reamped the RH guitars for it. Greg (Uladyne) has redone the vocals (along with 3 other new songs to come) a few weeks ago.

I need to pratice mixing + I wanted to render the song with Greg's awesome vocals.

I like the balance though. The snare is too much cardboard atm (I have to read through this + God that Ride is annoying, I'll have to do those OH again and lower the velocity on the ride. And overall it lacks of clarity. I have to try parralell comp on the drums tonight also.

I am glad Lasse will mix the 3 other songs to come 'cause it's really too much responsability for me ahah.

Well everything you have to say about it really interests me. So go on.
Hey Nic, let's see - first off, the guitars have kind of a hollow sound to 'em, seems like there's some phasing going on, and it also sounds a bit on the thin side. Also, the snare is a bit loud, and sounds really programmed, especially on the fast 16th-note fills. Also, the cymbals are kind of a wash, but honestly, I think it's just the guitars that are doing my head in and skewing my view of everything (the ride doesn't bother me too much though). Greg's vocals are pretty damn good, though too dry and too loud IMO; I usually prefer delay to make vocals more defined, so I'd recommend a bit more of it. Cool riffs/playing as well man! I like that little glitch effect before the chorus as well ;) I think it could use a lot more synths though honestly; if there are any already, then I can barely hear 'em through most of it! Also, I seriously can't hear ANY bass guitar :erk:

EDIT: Damn, there's some great lead work in her dude! :headbang: Very Petrucci at 3:48, and that harmonized thing a little later on around 4:21 is INCREDIBLY Dave Suzuki (from Vital Remains), fuck yeahs!