
Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

Talking about remixes, I've been working on the remix of a song from a french band's album (for fun and learning) and would like your views on it, so I uploaded a short clip of it.

The original version is here :
The remixed version is here :

Thanks in advance for your comments and ideas on how to improve it (come on you can tell me if you prefer the original version :oops: ).
Hi Brett.
From the original I like the overall sound especialy the guitars and voxes but the drums are a pile of shit.
For my taste mix it with your new drums, then it will be smashing.

Btw, time for new avatars here, eh? You got a new one and Andy changed it a few minutes ago.
Hey guys,

Thanks for your income. I must say that I hated the original drum sound, and I equally hated the original guitar sound, so I'm not sure I'm gonna follow you on this one Frank :oops:. Anyway, I had no DI or whatever, so I could only try things with EQ and trying thickening it.

They recorded this in a "pro" studio, and listening to the tracks I couldn't believe my ears : clips, audio drops everywhere... :ill: I felt I was Andy remixing EoR for a moment :worship: (haha, yeah, in my dreams :dopey: ).
The remix IMO sounds 1000x better. On my speakers the guitars were real quiet, I'd raise them a bit...I don't know where your cutting your cymbals EQ, but it sounds to me like you might have cut too much low end out--maybe lower the overall cymbal volume just a tad and then move the high pass to a little lower frequency, just my opinion...Vox sound rad!

One more thing to consider: the first time I heard it (this was at low volume), I thought the kick stood out too much. Like WAY too much. It's kinda weird though, because after hearing it a couple more times I thought they sounded good. I don't know what that means, but I figure it's worth mentioning.

...I'm gonna go look at that sheep photo again haha.