renkse vs. renske

Oct 15, 2001
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does anyone notice the grand debacle that is jonas' last name. i spelled it incorrectly for YEARS before Mr. F. Soul pointed out that his last name is indeed, RENKSE. kind of made me feel like a damned fool, 'specially considering i'm a fan and all.

anyone notice this in webpubs and print mags?

wow, this was somehow a shock now, but a funny one.

i spelled it incorrectly for YEARS before Mr. F. Soul pointed out that his last name is indeed, RENKSE. kind of made me feel like a damned fool, 'specially considering i'm a fan and all.
Because the same goes for me now, with the exception that you opened my eyes through this post. At first I didn't believe I went to the members section of their hp...and then I was really astonished :lol:

This shows that people like us are a bit to fast when reading names...
But what surprises me is that, although I read the name very often in interviews and stuff, I *never* noticed it until now.
Originally posted by Nico16
But what surprises me is that, although I read the name very often in interviews and stuff, I *never* noticed it until now.

his name was mispelled in most of the interviews and reviews i have ever read :mad:
Originally posted by LoboUivante
Dr Dre... he is not a doctor dammit!

well actually he is, my brother watches a program called MTV Cribs and it features rap stars homes. anyway Dr Dre had a certificate thingy on his mantelpiece (sp) for a PHD in whatever that makes him a real doctor, which is why he says, everyone calls him Dr Dre, instead of his former name Dre. he also goes on to say how hard life is for him in the ghetto etc. whilst walking through a multi million pound house, wow life is hard to him. :p

note to some rap stars: don't sing about the ghetto when you live in a great house outside of it. im sure theres people worse of than that. :rolleyes:

a further note: everything written above is something i made up right now, except for the MTV Cribs bit, there unfortunately is a program called that.
Hmmm, I hadn't heard that Dr. Dre is in fact an actual doctor... It doesn't sound right does it?

And about Jonas' name!! That's been annoying me for years. I'm actually glad someone else raised the issue because I've been unsuccessfully campaigning for the correct spelling for a while now!

Everybody, it's RENKSE!!! Pretty simple.

And shame on you to whoever doesn't know who Lord Seth is!! ;)
Lord Seth was a cool pseudnym.

You wanna hear something funny? I actually have a friend who interviewed Jonas and it turns out that he actually asked why Blackheim left the band. He had no idea that Anders and Blackheim were the same person. :lol: I ripped on him to no end for that.
Originally posted by Endtime
Anders and Blackheim were the same person.

they're the same :confused: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

in Ravendusk In My Heart by Diabolical Masquerade has everyone seen the inlay with Blackheim as a vampire, hmn maybe thats my next avatar. :err: