The Brit meets the Maidens - a Maiden moddie's review of Saturday's Utah gig!


Jul 28, 2002
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I posted this over at the official Maiden board, currently residing at (server troubles keep it moving around right now).

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Do NOT dismiss them as just another tribute band. Do NOT dismiss them as just pretty faces. And if they play near you, do NOT miss them.

Friday and Saturday, May 2nd and 3rd, Salt Lake City's Zephyr Club played host to The Iron Maidens, the all-female Maiden tribute. I had to sadly miss the Friday show, but I was there tonight (Saturday).
In my opinion, the amount of luminaries there was very, very cool. We had two members (and one ex-member) of Katagory V in attendance, three-fifths of Phantom Blue, and the Maidens themselves (whose line-up includes the aforementioned members of Phantom Blue), plus yours truly representing the mighty Maiden themselves (sort of). Not a bad turnout!

Let me just say that the girls put on a performance of such stunning magnitude that you'd almost think these were their own songs, played on their own terms, with a level of ability that goes beyond impressing, all the way to astounding. Each and every member of the band is there on merit, and their ability to play each song so note-perfectly yet still with their own stamp firmly notable is awesome.

Let's take Linda "Nikki McBURRain" McDonald, the only remaining founding member of Phantom Blue, and her powerhouse drumming. Or the twin guitars of Sara "MiniMurray" Marsh and Josephine "Adrianne Smith" Draven, duelling and complementing each other in a manner so eerily close to Dave & H. Or Wanda "Steph Harris" Ortiz' thundering bass, every little nuance of 'Arry's famous playing intact. And then there's frontwoman Jen "Bruce Chickinson" Warren, whose voice and presence are - I kid you not - every bit as impressive as Bruce's own, with a sustain, range and power that honestly left me speechless.

Thing is, as an old Phantom Blue fan (did ya guess that yet?) from some ten years back, I was privy to a nice bit of info - the Maidens would most definitely not be a shoddy outfit. They're excellent musicians with innumerable other projects, who play together as The Iron Maidens because they love playing Maiden songs. It's that simple. And the best bit is that they'll play songs Maiden haven't played in many years and will in all likelihood never dust off again, and they'll do it better than anyone else can.

'Caught Somewhere In Time', 'Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' (all of it), 'Flight Of Icarus', 'Killers' and 'The Clairvoyant' all nestled in nicely to a set which also included wonderfully fresh renditions of 'The Number Of The Beast', '2 Minutes To Midnight', 'The Evil That Men Do' and 'Hallowed Be Thy Name'. As a big vocal fan, I was overjoyed as time and again, Jen nailed every last note even Bruce struggles with (the higher pitch of the female voice helped, I'm sure) - the final screams on 'Children Of The Damned' and 'Aces High' being perhaps the highlights. The guitarists were nigh-on note-perfect in every last solo, the bass had that familiar 'clank', and the drums were of course immaculate.

After nearly two hours of prime Maiden delivered so supremely well, the girls ended up in the merch stand, signing anything put in front of them and talking to all and sundry. Dustin, Curtis and Ryan from Katagory V had all since departed, so I found myself in the company (as I had been at various points in the evening) of Mr Toast, known well over at UM, until the line eventually drew to an end.

The Maidens were all chipper, friendly and charming, tiredness showing on only a couple of faces. I introduced myself, and before long they'd all signed my rather bedraggled 'Killers' all-over print t-shirt (with its band logo 'adjusted' in their honour), Linda had signed my copy of Phantom Blue's 1993 album 'Built To Perform' and shared a few wistful memories of those days (as well as a slightly embarrassing incident with Clive Burr), the fearless and forthright Jen had done a passable British accent while also poking fun (these Americans, I tell ya!) and making me promise to post on their forum over at UM, Jojo had even complimented me on my glasses (!), Sara looked ready to crash out for 24 hours' straight sleep, and Wanda stayed relatively quiet, probably also exhausted.

Mr Toast also hooked me up with a long-sleeve Maidens t-shirt, 'on the house' as it were. Kudos!

All in all, an amazingly fun night out, made better by the excellent company. To Dustin, Curtis, Sheri, Ryan, Mr Toast, Mark, and of course all five of the Maidens - thank you, you guys are the fucking greatest. :cool:

Miss this band at your peril. They really are that damn good.
Yes Mark...WELCOME!!!! Now if only I could hear your accent on your posts I could actually keep my 'British' current. I'd love a tape of you just reading nursury rhymes or something. That's how Merryl Streep did all her charachter roles...she just sent the script to someone in that country with that dialect and had them read the script to a tape.

Thanks for posting your review over on the main Maiden forum. It's changed color. I wonder if my old login and password work. Hmmmm...must try soon.

You're a great writer...quite the wordsmith. If you aren't already doing marketing content writing...or journalism...I'd be surprised.
It was awesome meeting you, glad you got one of the long sleeve LAD shirts and I'm sorry you missed our LIVE AFTER DEATH show on Friday night. Of the two nights, I feel that show was a little stronger. Sometimes when we're strung out from jet lagged lack of sleep, we perform better. Go figure.
Bruce Chickinson said:
Yes Mark...WELCOME!!!! Now if only I could hear your accent on your posts I could actually keep my 'British' current. I'd love a tape of you just reading nursury rhymes or something. That's how Merrily Streep did all her charachter roles...she just sent the script to someone in that country with that dialect and had them read the script to a tape.
Well... it's Marcus, but I'm not going to quibble. :)

I'll have to try and record something for you, obviously! ;)
Thanks for posting your review over on the main Maiden forum. It's changed color. I wonder if my old login and password work. Hmmmm...must try soon.
It won't, sadly. You'll have to re-register, it's an all-new board. It seems ludicrous that the server keeps falling over, but apparently that's what's going on. There are some appropriate comments in the Iron Maiden forum here on UM, I noticed... Nav being his usual sarcastic self!
You're a great writer...quite the wordsmith. If you aren't already doing marketing content writing...or journalism...I'd be surprised.
After I wrote all that, I was a little peeved at myself for using so many hoary old clichés. But thank you, that means a lot to me - I've considered trying to move into that field professionally. And hey, if you ever need anyone to write some liner notes or something for you, give me a call! :)
It was awesome meeting you, glad you got one of the long sleeve LAD shirts and I'm sorry you missed our LIVE AFTER DEATH show on Friday night. Of the two nights, I feel that show was a little stronger. Sometimes when we're strung out from jet lagged lack of sleep, we perform better. Go figure.
It was awesome meeting you too, and it's always nice to be remembered, even if I had to kinda name-drop myself (and scare poor Linda with a ten-year-old CD). ;) And considering how much effort and energy you all put into the gig - full-on for a period of time that would've left many, how shall we say, 'non-tribute' bands in the dust - the fact that you all stayed around for meets, greets, leering bozos, beer-stickied handshakes and what must've been wrist-murdering amounts of autographs was frankly amazing. Much respect to you all.

I've been wearing that fabulous shirt all of today, as it happens - including (get this) having to go deep into the mountains to help set up flowers for a wedding! I can't say I had the same mesmerizing effect as the Mariner... I just got looks of abject horror from the rapidly-arriving fifty-something-year-old guests! :ill:

So if you end up bombarded with complaints from angry Mormons ('cos let's face it, the website addy is VERY clearly visible), I can only apologize! (And maybe snigger a little too...)

As for the lack of replies to the thread over at Maiden... well, all I can say is all of that board's taste is in its mouth. ;)
Keyser Soze said:
I only hope the maiden bb's current location is temporary... wayyyyy too slow for my impatient self
I have no clue. Maybe the changeover will make it lose its 'spark' for me... I spend (well, spent) far too much time on that damn board, mod or not.
Hi Marcus! Thank you so much for the kind words! It makes me happy to know we made a good impression on another Maiden fan. So good to meet you and so glad you and yours had a good time! Utah rules!!!!! I don't know what else to say!??!! I didn't remember Utah being so damn cool!!!! The most respectable mosh pit I have ever seen! Even had Eddie in the pit!!!! Hope you enjoy your shirt! :)
Well, I guess the Utah experiance was a good one then? :tickled:

Mr. Luna has said it all in his review, and I would like to add that all of us in KAT 5 that attended were completely FLOORED!!! I was nearly in tears watching Wanda pull off "Rhyme"... as a fellow bassist, that tune takes stanima and enurance, and she nailed that sucker to the note according to these ears! Absolutly amazing!

The whole aura of the show was perfect, the crowd response was excellent... I stand by my word that the utah metal heads would be there in support of the maidens in full force!:) Best show I've seen since ProgPower in Atlanta!!!

BTW.. playing Wated Years? that was the high point for me...and I agree with Jen... probably the best maiden song EVER!

I would have stayed to hang ( I REALLY wanted to!), but the wife was beaten and tiered and dragged me by out by the ear. :yell:

I think the Maidens should return to Utah soon... what do y'all think???:hotjump:
