Repairing that ugly chip


Little Piggy Slasher
May 12, 2002
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Ugh...I just discovered that I have a nasty chip in the finish on my Jackson . It's pretty deep - all the way to the wood :cry:. Can anybody tell me or direct me to a website that shows how to repair this? My guitar's black, so it really shows up bad. I'd like to do a really good repair, not just slap some black paint into the hole. I'd like to level it out the best that I can. It would be really cool if I could make it disappear completely. There's got to be a way!

There are enough people out there of the opinion that ed roman is a complete tool in more than just a few ways. Ludicrous prices for some stuff as well. Avoid.

If you've got a chip you can have it refilled, but it'll always be there as repairing them always leaves a mark. So to go back to no chips you are looking at stripping the body down and getting it refinished (which does raise some interesting options with regard to funky airbrushed designs and the like :D )

Or, you can just look at it as a battle scar, and if the wood is really apparent get a permanent black marker pen and colour it in. It'll still be there, but won't be immediately apparent. It's what happens to mine as I accept chips and that they happen if the axe gets played...

Good luck anyway.
I agree with 7DT. Wear your scars with pride! ;) Unless it was a large ugly scar across the face of the guitar, I wouldn't even consider repairing it - and in such a case I would probably rather have the axe completely refinished.
Bottom line is regardless of what anyone thinks of price theres a saying 'You get what you pay for'. This being said one must realise he isnt going to get the splendors of a brand new axe fixed, refinnished, or otherwise for nothing. Good luck ;)
I decided I would just slap some black auto touch up paint into it and say the hell with it. I was strongly considering trading it in when I noticed the chip and knew it would hurt the trade in value. Other than that one damn chip on top of the "horn" the guitar is spotless, including the back. It's a Jackson 7 string and I wasn't diggin' it too much so I thought maybe I could go to the pawn shop and trade it for another 6 string or maybe an amp head. After picking it up and playing it again though, I don't know, I might just keep it. I was having GAS again (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) and had the strong urge to get another axe! I think I'm getting over it though.....
Auto touch up paint works well, but if you need to match custom colors, the best place you'll EVER find is a well stocked Fingernail Polish section at a beauty supply store... no joke.

As for the guy mentioned in this thread.... he's not even worth mentioning, except to STAY AWAY... he's notorious for doing wicked stuff... Rebranding guitars, creating custom shop BC Riches, and a whole slew of other stuff, including just being an all-around jerk.

If you need custom work done, is the place to go.

I agree though, I try to avoid chips or scratches, but they do happen... just got to learn to live with them. :)