Report from the road.....

Hey 9-patch welcome!
The trip itself was overall very cool this was Vaness'a b-day gift to me.For those who do not know as dedicated of Metal heads we are Vanessa and I both are suckers for pop-punk and Sum 41 is fucking tops in our book and they never get close to Oklahoma (Neither does anyone else!) so she swept me off to Dallas for the show!
We also got to eat at a resturant I had always wanted to eat at (a cajun seafood resturant,to feed my creole bloodline!)Unfortunatly it took us like 3 hours and 5 calls to the resturants 1800 number to get to the resturant but they gave us our meal for free for going through all of the trouble (thank god it was like $60!!!!)
Sum 41 kicked major ass and if not for the idiotic pre-puberty crowd trying to crush us it was 10 stars and we actually thought of staying for Good Charolette (even though we hate them) but the shreiking 13 year old girls drove us out of the burilding after 2 songs and to be honest they were just lame.
Were home now I got some new music from Candelight and I reddid about 50 songs on the station so im fuckin beat!