Request for permission from the guys...


Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall) Orphaned Land to mention OL in a project I'm doing for Arabic class about Middle Eastern music. I'm going to be discussing Arab music primarily, but since the topic is technically Middle Eastern music, I was wanting to say a few things about OL when I discuss modern music -- i.e., how OL mixes the Western-originated metal genre with native Middle Eastern influences, and how both Arabs and Israelis are present, side by side, at OL shows. I wanted to see if that was cool with you guys first.


Ryan, if you`de like I can send you more info about israeli artists making arab music, Yair Dalal and Shlomo Bar, and also verious groups that create root music from iraqi, to persian and even kurdish !
I forgot about my other question: if I can find some, would it be alright if I used some clips from some of your songs, too? That would give my class a better idea of what I mean when I say 'mix metal with Middle Eastern'. Also, there's always the chance that I'll open someone's eyes up to REAL music. \m/ Knowing the people in my class though, I kind of doubt it (although a couple of people might be receptive, including one who is already a metalhead).

Thanks again,

I think that the documentry about the band (from the israeli channel 8) could be very helpful......

I wanted to translate it (and put english subtitles), but I just have no time......