Calling to fans from the Middle East and Palestine!

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Hello my fellow forum friends,

Joanie de Rijke, a well known Dutch/Belgian journalist is coming to Israel to see Orphaned Land's show on Febr. 4th. She's going to write an article about it and is looking for a Palestinian fan who is willing to talk to her.
She is also looking for fans from other parts of the Middle East region or other islamic countries! Anyone of you who has an interesting story related to Orphaned Land and their music.
His/her identity can remain anonimous if he/she wants to.

Fans, people, this is your chance to show a positive side of metal and of your country. To let them hear another side of the story to the Middle East/ Islam! We can together show how there is hope for the future in this place we are building together with Orphaned Land: A NEW JERUSALEM- a place for everyone!

If you are yourself interested, or you know others who might be. Please have them contact me. It can be in English, French, German or if necessary in Arabic or Hebrew. We have translators who can help.

You can contact me about this, all your mail will be handeled in the strictest confidence.

To give an idea of who this lady is, here are some headlines I translated of her article in a Dutch/Belgian magazine.

Here is her original appeal, translated by the fan site's translator (many thanks to him!)

Wow, that's really amazing. There's this book that I'm reading to kill the time about all things Irgun, Stern, PLO, etc etc and I can't believe this.
I'll do my best trying to spread the word, but I mainly know only a bunch of Indians :D [See, we have a lot of people here[

Well, it really is a time pass book!! The 'Teach Yourself' series.