Research Project Help!


3 Initals Mixer
Dec 20, 2007

I am currently looking to complete the final stages in a research project on surround sound. The project involves listening to, and then comparing, several clips of audio. All that is required to complete the full test is a 5.0 surround system, but you can answer the first question if you don't have one. That data is still useful.

If you have a 5.0 sound system; Firstly you'll be asked to undertake a short calibration procedure that uses software to measure your perceptual balance between speakers.
You are then asked to listen and rate four categories - Cinematic, Concert Band, Rock and Electronic Music using a five-point scale (Bad, Poor, Fair, Good, and Excellent). Although there are instructions on the purpose of the test: You are being asked to rate the immersiveness. Think about how involved you feel in the performance.

After you've successfully rated the excerpt, please ensure you click 'submit' on each test so that the data is sent back.

Link is here!
Any questions or comments can be sent directly to:

Sincere thanks to all those who help out!
Honestly man I don't think even 10% of the guys on here have surround sound systems. You might be better off trying one of those hufi audio phile sound system junkie forums. If this were standard stereo with studio monitors, you would have a ton of people pitching in.
Sorry I left it a month to reply.

If people opened the page and clicked 'no' - that would be amazingly helpful. As I said in the introduction, if you don't have a system then I need to know! The research document will help to shape what products and materials emerge in the next few years. It's massively important that the industry is documented as who is using what system :)