research, recycle...


Mar 26, 2004

now its this that will make your nose bleed.

sorry, crystal clear vinyl only, ye can now burn your damn cd players. this is what you will be listening back to in years to come. guitars are dead, like no one worhips mozart anymore, listen and learn ye poor slow people ;)
samples here ta ta, i really shouldnt be doing this, mongs arent usually clued into progression, ah well. for those in the know ;)

mariel ito (modern love)
claro intelecto (modern love)
neil landstrum - fighting spirt ep (scandinavia) ( saw him live last night, killed it! ) for samples of some
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Oh my fucking god! That is such bad shit.

Listen to some NWW, and leave this refuse for the kiddies.

listen to the sound of my fist full of pennies whizzing into your skull.
see thats exactly what im on about, little parasite feeds on anything, even the smallest bit of info. here ill tell ye all my life story so ye can analyse and discuss it, pfft