Return To The Apocalyptic City cd


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2007
can anyone please tell me where i can buy a new Return To The Apocalyptic City cd. ebay have some, but i don't like oversea. also does Live At Eindhoven comes in cd? if not i like to buy a cassette of it too.

Live at Eindhoven is pretty hard to get and it wasn't released on CD (as far as I'm concerned)- some used vinyls do occur in second hand music stores and on ebay every now and then.
As for RTTAC- I don't know where you're from, but I see plenty of them in music stores here in Poland and have seen quite a few abroad as well, so there probably is no need to even look for them on the Internet.. on the other hand, since you're writing here, you might have already had some problems finding them where you live. I suggest you try harder- they're there.
I never heard of Live at Eindhoven on CD, except for a bootleg CD that contains more tracks than the official EP and cassette.
Don't know how much would cost the cassette now... I believe it's more difficult to find than the EP ?
Live at Eindhoven is pretty hard to get and it wasn't released on CD (as far as I'm concerned)-

Yes the whole concert at the Dynamo was released on a Indepenent European label.........on CD............It was really a Bootleg, done by the promoter of the Dynamo(Andre)....The artwork cover shot is a photo of the band, that they actually never wanted released....It does come up on eBAY, once in awhile, thats where I got it & paid like $75 for it..............:loco:

I'll have to dig that out & tell you the exact title........