Skolnick's solos


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2007

Is it just me or most of you guitar players out there noticed this too. Alex solos on First Strike Still Deadly and when he plays live, his solos are little off or is he trying to make it sound different? Cause when i listen to Return to The Apocalyptic City live EP. Glen's solos are right on. Check out Live in london and some songs from FSSD cd. it's kinda different, maybe he just didn't want to play notes for notes.

p.s. don't get me wrong, skolnick still the god and my all time fav guitar player.
Ya I noticed the same thing.I can't tell if it's on purpose or if he forgot some notes in the heat of playing live.On first strike still deadly I'm not sure what the deal is I'm betting Chuck and Eric were just happy to record with
alex again and didn't care,there are a few notes on those songs that I just loved that are different..but what are ya gonna do?.Glenn did do a great job and Murphy was dead on also.There is probably more pressure to play it dead on when you are playing someone else's stuff because the fans are judging and comparing you then when you play your own.I think Alex is just having fun with it,but who knows it has been awhile and they have alot of songs.:)
I thought I've read once that on FSSD Alex wanted to change te solo's a bit, but after it was released it wasn't such a good idea when they've heard the comments of the fans. So live he returned mostly to the original solo's.
I tend to cut the guy some slack on this subject. Alex was out of the Metal Scene for a number of years as you all know, and concentrating on his Jazz musings. I'm sure I read an interview somewhere where he mentioned that during the intermittent years of playing Jazz, it made him think more thoroughly about the demanding delivery of the notes he plays. There was also reference to artists a few years down the line (still liking their recorded work but in hindsight) realising things which could maybe have been executed more effectively on the albums - hence the reason for the re-recording of old songs on First Strike Still Deadly.

I think the way that Alex plays his old solos now are just the way he really wanted to play them back in the day, but maybe didn't have the discipline or control to execute them back then & which he only learned through subsequent years by playing Jazz. At the end of the day - they're his solo's and he has a right to play them any way he desires. If you want perfection (only to your ears) listen to the original albums - if you have an open mind - listen to First Strike Still Deadly & by all means go see them live!

James Murphy = :notworthy
I do have an open mind, everyone has their own opinion. I am NOT disappointed the way Alex plays his solso, but it blows me away when i see guitarist ripped through the solo so perfect live.
BTW. Alex is my top five guitar player, and I used to have a fansite at till i moved out the country few years ago. My favorite Testament cd right now to play in my car is First Strike Still Deadly. I guess i should have asked if you prefered him plays the solo with a little jazz influence or ripped it notes for notes. I i read an interview with him, that he said he can play them notes for notes. If he wants to.

jazz isn't harder then thrash to play just different a jazz guy would have the same learning curve if you threw him into a metal band and said-ok play something that sounds evil and fits the song.You can get the same control by just adding 12-13 years onto your playing.I know the more I play the more control I have.And of course Alex can play however he wants nothing will ever change my mind that he rules:) .To answere the other question I like the originals better I think they were perfect,but maybe that is just because I grew up with them, who know's.Can't wait for new shit!!