why doesnt Jesper play many of the solos/leads anymore?

Mar 16, 2003
just about every post whoracle live AND studio videos i have seen, bjorn plays most of the guitar solos and leads. Does anyone know why Jesper doesnt do it anymore? I think he might be a little better than Bjorn
I love both of them as guitarists, and you'd think they would have equal opportunities for solos and whatnot, so who knows.
Personally I think Jesper is a better guitarist. Don't get me wrong I think Bjorn is amazing also. But I think one reason since Jesper is a better player he might prefere playing the backing leads and such and or they might want him to play the backing things because they need to keep a strong rythme going while someone is playing the solos. I do have to give a lot of credit to Bjorn too he is just an amazing soloist. He can pull off solos perfectly. Ok I am later guys. \m/
i agree that Bjorn is a great guitarist, and a great melody writer, but alot of the leads/solos i hear him play, he often times hits wrong notes, or bends too high, putting it out of key. The times that I DO see jesper playing, he usually nails it.
Jesper has always after whoracle really only played the melody to the song, or the backing guitarwork while Bjorn has played solo's, same with acoustic work. One guitar is in one Speaker, the other is in the other speaker. They defintally have the best Guitar Teamwork I've ever heard.
It may be because Glenn palyed the solos, and when he left and Bjorn took his place, Jesper didn't want to switch the parts, etc. so they kept it that way. Of course, I can be wrong, but that makes sense.
C-Taylor said:
They defintally have the best Guitar Teamwork I've ever heard.

Ever heard of a little band called Iron Maiden? ;)

I always thought that Jesper played the solos when Glenn was in the Band! :confused:

I also think that Björn is able to play faster than Jesper. Of course I don't know what Jesper is able to do in is own room, maybe he is shredding the whole day. I am talking of what I've seen at their concerts, you know?
Don't actually where that comes from as Jesper obviously plays longer so he'd have to be better...
Anyway I like i just a little bit more than Björn 'cause his Explorer is so damn cool (fuck the Flying V) :p

What do you think? How are they able to play all the leads/solos with their guitars to at their knees (or bangin their head like Jesper does - that spining thing...)??? I am not able to do so... :erk:
I wish Bjorn wouldn't change some of the recorded parts live. He wrecks them. Listen to the end of the solo of Bullet Ride live when he hits that bend and just keeps it going on for like a minute. It sounds horrible and ruins the good solo that it actually is on the album.
HeadCrusher said:
I also think that Björn is able to play faster than Jesper. Of course I don't know what Jesper is able to do in is own room, maybe he is shredding the whole day. I am talking of what I've seen at their concerts, you know?
You can get a taste of his speed from Dimension Zero. There is some good alternate picking on there.