In Flames fans back me up


Aug 12, 2008
Sherbrooke, Quebec
Check out this video:

It's of In Flames playing the hive live. I was very happy to see that they had begun playing this song live again. I was however dissapointed to see than bjorn pretty much dumbed down the solo. I commented on this on youtube and recieved a lashback of bitchy in flames fanboys who couldnt stand me criticising their beloved band.

Here's a message i just recieved entitled: "lol retard"

enuff said. Your so fucking stupid to bash bjorn's playing skills live. Have u been to a fucking concert before? do you know how fucking phsyically demanding it is to play a set of 8+ songs? By saying he is dumbing down the solo by using single taps instead of double your a fucking retard, sounds the fucking same. name me a fucking guitarist who can play 10 songs, nailing every fucking solo and not just any solo, double taps.
Wait whats that? you cant? go fuck your self you know absolutely shit about performing. Post a video of your self doing that solo pls, i bet you cant fucking do it using single tapping.

*awaits angry reply*

PS i hope you get struck by lightening and end up a vegatable in the hospital.

And my response:

Yes, I've been to a concert before, in fact, I've seen In Flames live before. Regardless of how physically demanding it is to play a set of 8 songs, i really doubt playing that solo properly demands much physical effort. As it happens I can play that solo as tight as on the album, it's one of the very few solos as of yet that I have enough skills to play, and I've only been playing guitar for a little over a year and a half.
"Sounds the fucking same"
You are obviously the one who knows nothing about music as single taps and double taps do NOT sound the same.
"not just any solo, double taps"
you say that as if double taps are hard to do... they aren't!
You obviously have had little exposure to any metal with technical, advanced guitar playing. Watch Dream Theater, Necrophagist, Symphony X, hell even Arch Enemy for crying out loud. These guys can all perform their solos near perfectly live!

My main point is that if I a novice guitar player can play this solo tight. Bjorn who is obviously a much better guitar player than me, should not have to massacre the solo to play it live.

What do you guys think about the issue?
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It can be disappointing to hear a part of a song dumbed down, but it's up to the band to play it how they want to.
Agreed. But it is not as if they are just changing a couple things around, adding a pinch harmonic here and a bend there. They are fundamentally changing the solo for the worst.
It's not like any of their new songs are especially demanding, they could at least make the effort for the decent songs, but oh well. I'm more concerned about the vocals in that video than the guitars, Anders is not really growling, he's just yelling for much of the video. Not sure I like it.
Not many bands play a solo as its recorded live, they usually end up improvising. Hell, a lot of people improvise on recordings. Its nothing to whine about and nothing to be surprised about.

I'm not saying its completely different (haven't listened) but its always going to sound a little different at least, if you expect everybody to play something exactly as is from the album then you're a dumbass.
Arguments on youtube are mentally degrading both for the participants and anyone unfortunate enough to scroll down past the video.

Bands usually play solos the way they are on album, but this varies by band (any blues musician, for example, will never play the same thing twice, because it's so based on improvisation). With metal, bands almost always play the way it is on album, but it's kinda hard to remember every note of a two minute shred solo (actually it's really easy because it's all patterns but you get the idea), so there's usually a little improvisation.

This is kinda pointless, by the way; who fucking cares?
The Hive solo isn't so bad, but the times I've seen them play OFTW live Bjorn has butchered the solo on all but one occasion... which kinda sucks as it's not even very long. On the other hand, most fans probably don't notice because they don't know Clayman as an album exists, same with Whoracle, so they could do what they do with Behind Space and cut out the solos altogether and 99% of the crowd wouldn't notice.
Not many bands play a solo as its recorded live, they usually end up improvising. Hell, a lot of people improvise on recordings. Its nothing to whine about and nothing to be surprised about.

I'm not saying its completely different (haven't listened) but its always going to sound a little different at least, if you expect everybody to play something exactly as is from the album then you're a dumbass.

You seem not to be understanding that here he isn't just playing around with the solo, or improvising. He's just playing a easier version of an already extremely easy, short, solo and the sound pays the price.
The fucked up jotun live also, on the used and abused live DVD they cut out all the leads in the middle of the song thats like my favorite part.
I could bitch about how they butchered Satellites & Astronauts' from chords to power chords, but I am greatful for them even playing it.
In the concert in Bulgaria, they played this song and I like it, no matter if they made a few changes.