Returning a faulty mixing speaker...

Dec 19, 2003
I purchased a pair of Yamaha speakers about 6 months ago and noticed one of the tweeters was faulty (about 6 weeks ago) on the left speaker (distorting). I returned the faulty speaker to the store and they refused to replace it, only to send it off to the manufacturer, which was five weeks ago now. I feel like there taking the piss a bit, I understand that there is probably a long waiting list for gear to be fixed, but I think the store should have at least replaced the speaker or give me a loaner in the meantime.

Have any of you had any experiences in dealing with this sort of thing?

Any advice appreciated...
Normally my local music store give me a loan of something to get me by whenever i have gear thats down. Whether its waiting for an amp I've ordered to arrive or just getting my guitar setup, guess the guys in your store are just pricks...