Returning to Mons (PPM Festival) in April...


Producer/Composer at AM3
Dec 9, 2010
Mountains of Earth

So as the title suggests, I'm heading back to Mons in April. Home of the PPM Festival. I really enjoyed my stay last year; especially meeting up with Steve and gang who played there in the 2012 class of the festival.

Anyone plan on returning or even taking the journey out in April? Because I'll be returning once I've gotten the tickets in order, and should be buying them later on today. Got some really great bands coming this year. Gamma Ray, Helloween, Stratovarius, Amaranthe, Tobias Sammet's Avantasia just to name a few. It will and should be a lot of fun, I'm just asking if any of the others here plan on taking the trip. Maybe meet up, grab a couple o' beers and whatnot.

Let me know if you plan on flying in,

Thanks in advance,

Again, thanks Steve for the wondering moments last year and the great show you put up for us and myself. I really enjoyed it and of course miss it.


Ahhhh I see...should let them know I'm now "officially" returning. My dad just bought the (3 day) tickets as my birthday gift from him and my step mom. This day is JUST getting better. Thanks for making my day even more special by recommending "Far Away". One of the first songs I ever listened by you guys. :)
Hahaha, which of the bands coming do you like Steve? I won't be checking on all the bands, but it's cool that Circus Maximus is coming. I think they're from Norway, but not sure, haha. I'm a bit rusty on my band knowledge.
Again, thanks for remembering my birthday.
And I have a present for you soon Steve. Remember that tattoo I told you about, that's going on my back of you, Kai Hansen and Sam Totman? It's soon going down! Just got to meet Kai if I get the chance in April. Then my musical idol-set is complete!
Sam says hi Steve, met him here in Oslo on the 15th of October. Shame I couldn't stay for the afterparty because my dad wanted to go home...
We sung Lost Without You together, hahaha, epic moments!


Always really, really REALLY want to go but end up getting kicked in the balls by lack of time-off or money or a combination of the two. Will try to attend and if I succeed I'll let you know!
Hehehehehehe, alright sounds like a plan. My dad is coming along just to check out Avantasia, but I'll be checking on numerous bands. This years fest will be like last years, a BLAST!
Alright Dom, please do, my tickets and hotel are in order so I'm definitely going. :D
