Revalver HP?


Jan 20, 2007
Westerville, OH
Hey guys. I was just wondering if anyone on here could comment on the quality of revalver HP? I know that the standard version would be better, but I'm way short on cash and I'm not really a tweaker. Is the revalver HP still better sounding than most all modeling technologies (pod, other plugs, etc). Does the stock 6505 sound pretty good on its own, or does it absolutely need to be tweaked to be used? And, is it possible to turn off the cab sim and use another plug (conv reverb) after revalver hp to use other impulses? Thanks.
Having used the Revalver demo, I can definitely say that the 6505, JSX, 6505+, XXX, etc. are all absolutely kickass, and the HP version should be more than enough. Honestly, the way I look at it, if I want the absolute best sound in the universe, I'm gonna try to achieve it by mic'ing my JSX through my (soon to be purchased) 4x12, rather than dealing with digital modeling, so if the $80 version of Revalver sounds almost as good for my uses (scratch tracks/composing), than that's what I'm going for. To put it another way, I've been using TSS + Wagner mkII + KeFIR recently, and am MORE than happy with that tone for all my writing duties, so I'm sure Revalver HP is capable of as good if not better tones. Honestly, the full version just seems pointless for anyone with a good amp and cab (namely, me) :)
I think the main problem with the HP version was that you couldn't tweak the input voltage... in the demo some of the amp models had the input voltage at ridiculous low levels.
I don't know if that's still the case on the final HP version, but it would suck if you couldn't change that.

Does anybody know about that?

Apart from that I didn't think the other models or tweak options would be worth the full price to me.
Well...with HP you cannot load your own impulses, you are stuck using 1 of the pre-loaded ones (I think there are 75 or something in HP). Also, a lot of the tweak options aren't there. So those are the main differences.

I think somebody that wants to actually use ReValver to it's full potential should get the full version as it takes a lot of tweaking to get it sounding good enough to use in place of a real amp/cab setup....tweaking that you cannot do in the HP version.

All that said...if you have the ability to mic up a cab and record it well enough I would say just save your money and do that.


However, there really aren't any freeware impulse plugs out there for Macs, unfortunately. Again, I will never understand why there are less freeware plugs for something that is the industry standard platform than there is for something else... There are only a couple that I know of, and have tried, and both fail. One being a Pluggo VST, it does not work properly. Hasn't on three different Apple machines and from 3 download sources. The other one does not work properly either. So he could spend like $300 or whatever RVMKIII is at and get good sims and impulse capabilities, or buy HP for $80 and buy a convolution plug...which would put him over the RVMKIII price-tag.

Thanks for the replies, guys. I do have a convolution reverb that works allright for me already. However, I'm looking to get the best sound possible out of revalver, so it sounds like I may need to get the full version. I'm looking to record some keeper tracks with it.