Revalver HP Impulse path


Mar 7, 2006
Mannheim, Germany

bought a copy of Revalver HP yesterday.
I thought, you can cheat with the Impulse loader to put your own impulses in it (renaming to ewav)...but I don't even find the path (I'm on a Mac) where the files are stored?

Maybe you could help.

Btw: There's no free impulse loader like laconvolver (au) in vst format on mac, or?

Cheers, Markus.
No free VST impulse loaders on Mac still. Cheapest is MellowMuse IR-1A, it's like $49 and works perfectly. I use it to load cab IRs and also verb on drums. There really is no way to load your own impulses in HP man, you will have to bypass the loader in ReValver (just the amp) and use something after it.
On a PC impulses are in the install directly....not sure about a Mac.
Even if that does work, the loader in ReValver fucking sucks and impulses sound weird/different than they are supposed to. IR-1A is a much better loader.
IR-1A is a much better loader.

hmmm actually I started to test this the other day, I say started because I ran into trouble with something else, long story. Anyway I tried it for a couple of minutes. Out of all the impulse loaders I tired, most sounded similar to each other except for IR-1A. I must have been doing something wrong because it was not good. I really wanted it to work because it is RTAS. The free vst loaders sound good but wrapped to RTAS have heaps of latency and some just go completely apeshit. I'll try again after reading this.

I've tried revalver demo as well, you can't really load just an impulse without coloring the sound before it gets there.
Tried adding some impulses into the Peavey impulse folder and it doesn't work. The name shows up in the list with the other impulses but when you click on it you get this msg..
so I'll just stick with IR-1A

I think you could with the DEMO actually. But the HP version has always had no external impulse loading.

I can do a comparison to IR-1A and MKIII's sound in the next day or two with my 6505 for this br00tlz tech stuff I'm working on.
I think you could with the DEMO actually. But the HP version has always had no external impulse loading.


I can do a comparison to IR-1A and MKIII's sound in the next day or two with my 6505 for this br00tlz tech stuff I'm working on.

I want to hear it.

IR-1A sounds good if I set wet to 0, dry to -inf, and every thing else on 0 or -inf.

The len/start knob is a bit flaky. Sometimes as soon as I touch the len/start knob it stops making sound altogeather and I have to remove the plugin completely then reload it. Sometimes with both set to zero it sounds like you're in a box then you just touch it and it sound okay again. The right click to activate the lower knob works about one in ten. Maybe it's just the demo.

There's no manual which doesn't help.
GUYS GUYS GUYS!!! Get KeFir, you add VST module then pick Kefir then view it and load your impulses! Can use it inside ReValver HP OR as a plugin in Cakewalk or whatever you use. Check out Guitar Hacks Impulses, pretty good stuff. Also Metaltastic for Mesa impulses...I have a real Mesa Quad now BUT running RTAS so I need an impulse loader and keep stumbling on these messages. Figure maybe help someone else then karma will kick in and tell me where the jk_irr RTAS plugin is thinking maybe it became a full on commercial software or something.