Impulse FAQ :)

Do you have cab plugged to your amp? Because i want to do this without having to get cabinet to my apartment too.
I use the fxloop send from the head, to a line input, but only if it has adjustable gain. apply impulse.

Boom, tone.

Also, Harvey said him and Alex ( of Signals Audio "God's Cab" fame) did some work together last wee in Calgary putting together a new set of Fredman style impulses to be released soon. Definitely worth checking into.
Yep gotta have a dummy load instead of a cabinet. Can fuck your amp if you dont have a cabinet or dummy load box or sumthing similar
i know this is quite a subjective thing, and a lot of people make their own, but who generally makes and sells high quality good sounding impulses suitable for metal.

this post screams "im a noob and know nothing"...its true. i am :(

but anyways, im about to start using impulses and want to try the ones you guys swear by!
lolzgregs recto impulse, red wire impulses, god's cab impulses and many many more... (search for it, it's for free)