Revalver III/Engl V30 IR + Slate + "Mastering" in Reaper

Ben Johnson

Jan 17, 2006
Sorry about the swirling Revalver watermark noises.

I might have gotten a bit carried away with the limiting, but this is metal after all, and louder is better. ;)

Guitar - Gibson V (500t bridge) => Revalver III and a million other plugins, sidechain comp, bussed to a touch reverb

Acoustic - Ovation Viper => Pod XT Pro

Bass - Spector 5LX (EMG 40DC pickups) => Boss SD1, Tech 21 BDDI, PSA-1, and Ampeg SVX

Drums - Slate "black" kit

Keyboard - Yamaha S90

This was mixed with headphones, so I haven't found out if the bass is completely out of control yet...
That sounds wicked dude! Love the music too.

The only thing is that the snare is kind of out of place for me in the song. It doesn't seem to suit a faster paced modern song like this. Though it still sounds great.
Haha sounds awesome love the sheer punch of those drums at .35. What kinda settings do you use with the SVX plugin, im having a hardtime with the midrange and that thing :s
This is great sounding...both musically and production-wise. Nice job! My only complaint is the snare. I have to agree with what's already been said. I think the mix would benefit more from a tighter snare. Nice guitar tone by the way. Which amp model(s) were you using there? I like the eerie keyboard low in the mix. Kind of Beyond Twilight-ish. Sounds nice!
Thanks guys.

I'm using an SVT4 patch in SVX, but it's pretty low in the bass buss (4 different channels). If I got rid of it, I wouldn't miss it too much as I could probably compensate with the other bass channels (DI with Little Labs IBP to SCA N72, BDDI, and Boss SD1). I'd recommend getting a pedal or something to mix in with SVX - I've never gotten a great tone using just it alone.

I'm using the 6505 patch in Revalver into the engl V30 "higher presence" IR that was posted here. The lead channel gain is set at ~4. I didn't touch anything else.

I tried backing down the Z4 (ambience) on the snare, but it didn't help too much, so I loaded a different snare (17, I think) and it's sounding lots better.
Goddamn, how are you getting Revalver to sound so good.
I can't get a tight low end or a clear high end out of mine it at all, whereas with my 5150, it's no problem at all.
I crank the high's and the presence and it's just mud, and if I town the low end down, it's still TOO thick.
I wouldn't be using it if my friend didn't have my speaker cable, but goddamn it I *WILL* get a good tone out of it. I refuse to be beaten. :rofl:

Nice tune though man, very nice.
The snare isn't working too well, as many others have said, but apart from that, it's all gravy.
Perhaps a bit more low end beef in the mix would be awesome. Oh yeah and make it into a full song for myself and others to enjoy ;)
sounds cool but would like to hear it with your (Lee Jackson preamp+impulses) if you still have it
Thanks guys.

Very cool stuff. Is this something you are working on with Jeff?

Yeah, this is one of our songs. I'm always trying to tone down the evil.:loco:

For the cover art he wanted a little girl with gouged out eyes holding an upsidedown cross. I was :lol:
i also would like to hear this as a complete song.

For the cover art he wanted a little girl with gouged out eyes holding an upsidedown cross. I was :lol:

if you turn the cross one more time it would make sense :)
It's a little late, but I just listened to this and it sounds awesome. Nice job on it.

Also wanted to ask how you like that Spector bass? I'm thinking about getting a bass to have around for recording and really want a Spector. From what I hear, their neck-through models are supposedly the way to go.... the NS2000/5 and the Euro 5 LX like yours
Thanks, Zack!

It's a little late, but I just listened to this and it sounds awesome. Nice job on it.

Also wanted to ask how you like that Spector bass? I'm thinking about getting a bass to have around for recording and really want a Spector. From what I hear, their neck-through models are supposedly the way to go.... the NS2000/5 and the Euro 5 LX like yours

Yep, the Spector is a great instrument. I highly recommend it.
hey very stupid cuestion!!

how can you load midi files on kontak( to work with slate )? im to lazy to do those double kicks on a midi controler by hand you know :D

sound cool!