Revalver upgrade problem


Jan 20, 2007
Westerville, OH
Hi guys,
So I decided after owning HP for a year and hearing a lot of people say that not having tweakability in HP prevents you from unlocking the best sounds from Revalver, I decided last night to upgrade from Peaveys site. I paid, got the email which sent me a link to download it but the only version on the pave was the demo version. My first question is, is this correct? It feels weird paying an extra $250 for the demo version. I unlocked it/authorized with my new serial number, but when I opened it in Logic Express 8, it crashes everytime I use it. It acts particularly funny when I try to load impulses. But when I open it in Logic it won't let me close the Revalver window/interface. It just makes a funny sound everytime I hit the X to close it and I end up having to force quit Logic. This is extremely annoying after having just paid $250. If anyone has any info that could help I would greatly appreciate it. I sent this to Peavey as well, but you never know how long that will take. Also, I am running OSX 10.4.11 and the HP version ran flawlessly for me. Thanks.