

Mar 29, 2009
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up buying revalver tomorrow (I need a good native amp sim) Peavey's website is down, so I was hoping I could get some answers here.

First of all, revalver has RTAS format right?

Second, what amps does revalver HP come with? As long as it comes with the 6505+ and XXX i'll be happy, since I'm gonna use my own impulses for sure.
so RTAS isn't a problem :D

but anyone know about the amps? Retarded peavey didn't publish ANYTHING about HP everywhere I go it just says "6 Peavey Virtual Tube Amplifiers". wtf that could be anything....
You get all the Peavey amps (6505, 6505+, XXX, JSX, Classic, Valveking), but you can't tweak the "tubes" inside them, and I've heard rumors you can't load in your impulses - I dunno, I've never seen it made clear what the exact differences are, which pisses me off
You cannot tweak the amps or import your own impulses, you are stuck with the ones they provide with the software. IMO ReValver is one of the best sims but the HP version is only good if you truly want to make demos of your shit. Tweaking the amps is a must with MKIII and makes it sound a lot better. Without that, I dunno... depends on what you are using it for.
I just need something for demoing better. Right now I'm using a wrapped version of soloC fullstack and I don't like it.

Would I at least be able to bypass the cab in revalver and use TL space for my own cab? I might occasionally use it for recording other bands when they don't have a good amp to use.
Yeah, you can opt to just not use their impulse loader by bypassing/not-adding to the chain in order to use TLSpace for your own impulses. It will probably sound better anyway as MKIII's impulse loader sounds a bit different than most other loaders.
you can download your own impulses in HP if you use convolution reverb that is included versus load impulse instead of a cab in full version.
Yeah, you can opt to just not use their impulse loader by bypassing/not-adding to the chain in order to use TLSpace for your own impulses. It will probably sound better anyway as MKIII's impulse loader sounds a bit different than most other loaders.

Yup, I find mkIII's impulse loader quite poor to be honest.
I bought the full version off a fellow Sneapster after I posted a 'wanted' notice. Got it for €150 at the time I believe!

I thought the license wasn't transferable? Even though I don't wanna spend that much just for something I'm just going to demo with.

@ 006: thanks for the help. I think I might actually buy it now. I can still use it cause its fairly CPU light by itself and when I need a better sound I can always use my own impulses. But for now since I'm just goin to be demoing I think I'll live.

Unless there is another more cost effective program I should look at? I've tried amplitube metal and guitar rig and never liked those.
I'm interested in HP because the guitarists in my band use Valveking, and all the other features combined with the low as hell price make it sound a pretty fucking sweet deal.

On the other hand I don't understand anything about impulses at the moment, so would it be stupid to get the HP version or should I learn more about the full version?
you can download your own impulses in HP if you use convolution reverb that is included versus load impulse instead of a cab in full version.

I don't quite follow you here, kinda off with the sentence structure...

But to be clear..

In ReValver HP you cannot load your own impulses into the IR-1 Impulse module. You must either A) use what they give you or B) don't use the IR-1 and use your own impulse loader after ReValver in your DAW as an insert. The full version let's you import your own impulses into IR-1, but again IR-1's quality is below others.
Unless there is another more cost effective program I should look at? I've tried amplitube metal and guitar rig and never liked those.

Unless you just use SoloC, 8505, etc., which you have been using and aren't happy with, I wouldn't recommend Amplitube or Guitar Rig as they have never come close to the other sims out there, for heavy tones anyway. Just never been impressed by anyone's clips of them. ReValver, on the other hand, I have heard a lot of good clips of it, and when I had it I didn't have many complaints except the quality of the IR-1 module.

There are demos of all of these programs though, I would suggest downloading them and trying them all out for yourself before spending any money.
You are right you cannot download in IR-1 in HP, but you can use convolution reverb from effects in HP.
I don't quite follow you here, kinda off with the sentence structure...

But to be clear..

In ReValver HP you cannot load your own impulses into the IR-1 Impulse module. You must either A) use what they give you or B) don't use the IR-1 and use your own impulse loader after ReValver in your DAW as an insert. The full version let's you import your own impulses into IR-1, but again IR-1's quality is below others.
You are right you cannot download in IR-1 in HP, but you can use convolution reverb from effects in HP.

Ah I see what you mean now. I never used the conv verb module. However, judging by IR-1's sound quality I wouldn't expect the other impulse module to sound any better.
You are right you cannot download in IR-1 in HP, but you can use convolution reverb from effects in HP.

Ohhh I see so you can load your own impulse into the convolution reverb effect in HP but not into the "cab" simulator.

Thats a pretty clever work around :D
so I got the demo of the full version. Its definitely a good program (and the IR loaders in it definitely suck compared to TL space haha)

I think i'm gonna go ahead and buy the HP version. I tried messing with the tubes and stuff in the amp editor and I figured for what I'll be doing I will never need something like that. If I'm gonna be recording guitars at that level I might as well save my money and buy a real 6505+ :p

does anyone know if you can buy a direct-download copy of HP or do they only sell physical copies?