reverb for guitars


Jun 3, 2005
I was messing a bit with a record i did some time ago and didn't manage to add a good reverb to it. The only one i added ended up working like a eq filter and didnt give me a reverb sound i'd like... so what reverb plugins u guys use?
Depends on what kind of verb you’re looking for. Do you want a real natural sound or do you want a more clinical sound (which usually works wonders for leads).
sry, what did u want to say with clinical?
well, from where i understand about natural sound, then i prefer a real natural reverb, without coloring too much the sound? i think i understand that way!
I just experimented using Freeverb2 on the mix competition track and I have to say I really really liked it.

My biggest problem with reverbs... such as the Arts Acoustic one I've been using until now... is that the reverb can wash into the back and you can't really hear that there's any there... the track still sounds dry coz the verb is covered up.

Freeverb2 doesn't give you many parameters at all, so it's dead easy to use and pulls some great spaces. Give it a shot. Not the most versatile of reverbs, but it definitely does what it does well.
hey moon
i tried that freeverb and liked it but didnt get the results im looking for... thx anyway! :)
Cool. If you're after a real natural space, I think you might find what you're looking for with impulses and real modelled rooms. Other than that, I've been able to get a pretty convincing drum room sound out of that Waves one... forget what it's called.. the one that isn't Rverb... TrueVerb, that's the one.
Sonitus Ultrafunk Reverb's only a room verb but it's great and sounds extremely natural for a plugin. I have never got a Waves verb to sound good at all.