Review - Biomechanical @ The Camden Underworld 30th October 04


Nov 12, 2004
Taken from a greek website

You can find photos of the gig @

Biomechanical, @ the Camden Underworld 30/10/04:
The gig started with a very good intro and straight away the band opened with the title track
'The Empires of the Worlds' from the greatly anticipated second album. I read on their site that there were going to play new tracks and a cover track as well, now I am quite curious as of what they are preparing to do for the new year.
The new tracks sounded very good to me, written on the same style as Eight Moons but with new ideas and they also explore new styles something that can add a bit more weight to the question
"what kind of style is this band playing God damn it??!!!".
The tracks that stood out from the Eight Moons material were 'The Awakening' , 'Do you know me'
(I suppose it was written as Blow Me on the set list because it rhymes? ; - ) ) and Point of no Return,
During these tracks the crowd went totally mad! One thing that stood out was John K's vocals. His voice was awesome hitting high notes without any problems and growling very low notes with equal ease.

After a short speech from John K on the importance of Judas Priest : - ) the band went on to play the
(only as far as we knew) cover of the set, 'Painkiller'. I have to say the track was performed
P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y. Matt C started the intro nearly double speed and (thank fuck-John K) brought the tempo down to it's normal speed when the rest of the band joined in. After Painkiller the crowd was charged even more !! After their last track 'Assaulter' we all though the gig was over and people started going towards the bar and the exit. But the gig wasn't over& guitar sounds resounding thunders and three hits on the toms over and over again were the intro for what was to come.
It was like time stood still. That was the intro for 'Raining Blood' ladies and gentlemen.
I have never seen an empty pit filing up so fast! People were rushing back with their coats, beers and half done trousers (having to stop a perfect wee when realised Raining Blood was blasted out : - ). The track was played faster that the album and was absolutely manic in the end, the vox were perfect as well.
All in all it was a very pleasant Saturday night and the main thing of the night wasn't the covers but the rest of the Biomechanical material!!

Lykorgo Tzardis
dead6skin6mask6 said:
Bio played Painkiller and Raining Blood? awesome.... i wanna hear some covers! I'm still curious about that Creeping Death cover they did live last year

Don't worry Bozzy,

We'll be dragging our asses stateside soon enough, then who knows.
You might just get some 'Painkiller'. :Spam:

Good luck with your gig on Friday.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
That's kinda creepy.... how did you know my nickname is Bozzy... and how did you know I have a gig on Friday? :headbang:

As for Stateside... WOOOO

BREAKING NEWS!!! Biomechanical musician stalking fan :lol:

ps. Friday details on your website dude, have a good gig!
Existenz said:
BREAKING NEWS!!! Biomechanical musician stalking fan :lol:

ps. Friday details on your website dude, have a good gig!
Good to hear that you're not playing that Metallica or Pantera crap anymore. ;)

Glad to hear that you took my Painkiller suggestion! Shame I couldn't make it to the last gigs at The Underworld in order to hear it, though.
Existenz said:
BREAKING NEWS!!! Biomechanical musician stalking fan :lol:

ps. Friday details on your website dude, have a good gig!

while this is true, i'd never figure a member of the band would check out my band... BTW, since the site is being revamped, if anyone wants to hear a track...

this is one of our more basic songs. we have more technical and advanced stuff than this. dunno what we were on when we wrote it lol

even though the gig knowledge is reasonable... how did he know the Bozzy thing :lol:
Iconoclast said:
Good to hear that you're not playing that Metallica or Pantera crap anymore. ;)

Glad to hear that you took my Painkiller suggestion! Shame I couldn't make it to the last gigs at The Underworld in order to hear it, though.

Hi Iconoclast

I'm not a member of the band unfortunately! I'm John.k's duddette dude!(not influenced by him at all!)

You missed a real classic in the 'Painkiller' cover. I really like 'Creeping Death' & 'Mouth for War' covers they have played. Two bands I like alot ;)
even though the gig knowledge is reasonable... how did he know the Bozzy thing :lol:

You've got me there :D
dead6skin6mask6 said:
while this is true, i'd never figure a member of the band would check out my band... BTW, since the site is being revamped, if anyone wants to hear a track...

this is one of our more basic songs. we have more technical and advanced stuff than this. dunno what we were on when we wrote it lol

even though the gig knowledge is reasonable... how did he know the Bozzy thing :lol:

Like knowing the exact contents of the weiners served at hotdog stands, sometimes life seems a little better when you're not if full possession of the facts :Smokedev: . Besides, if someone has taken the time to show an interest in us, we usually try to show an interest in them. 'Ve haav ar Vays u kno' Let us know how Friday goes.
hehe works for me! makes me feel important... i'll definitely let you know how it goes... included in the set is our current 22 minute song Fading Light: Cities of Fallen Ash, Pull the Plug, Raining Blood (we usually play it in a minute to a minute and a half), Solitude by Candlemass and Biblebasher by Deicide, and a bunch of originals
Existenz said:
I'm not a member of the band unfortunately! I'm John.k's duddette dude!
Yeah, I'm aware of that. We've conversed before at The Square and The Underworld. I'm the short guy in the denim cut-off who's usually there with the missus.

You missed a real classic in the 'Painkiller' cover. I really like 'Creeping Death' & 'Mouth for War' covers they have played. Two bands I like alot ;)
Yeah I can imagine it sounded killer. I remember suggesting "Painkiller" ages ago because I knew how good it would sound with Biomechanical playing it. Doesn't seem that they listened to my Manowar suggestion though, haha! As for Pantera and Metallica...well, I guess there's no accounting for taste! ;)
Iconoclast said:
Yeah, I'm aware of that. We've conversed before at The Square and The Underworld. I'm the short guy in the denim cut-off who's usually there with the missus.
Yeah I remember you and your missus, you've been going to their gigs from when they started out !!! Hope to see you both at a gig soon.

Iconoclast said:
Yeah I can imagine it sounded killer. I remember suggesting "Painkiller" ages ago because I knew how good it would sound with Biomechanical playing it. Doesn't seem that they listened to my Manowar suggestion though, haha! As for Pantera and Metallica...well, I guess there's no accounting for taste! ;)

Talking of Manowar! I saw John open for them in Greece in front of 15,000 people! We saw Manowar (well the back of them)as we were going back to the dressing room. I'll never forget those cut out leather pants showing butt :tickled:
Existenz said:
Yeah I remember you and your missus, you've been going to their gigs from when they started out !!! Hope to see you both at a gig soon.
Damn straight. Unfortunately I/we couldn't make the last 2 London gigs due to recording and work commitments.

Talking of Manowar! I saw John open for them in Greece in front of 15,000 people! We saw Manowar (well the back of them)as we were going back to the dressing room. I'll never forget those cut out leather pants showing butt :tickled:
Slev said:
Ahh, so that's who you are.

How did the pic of me & John after he beat me yp turn out?

Hi Slev

Yeah the photo came out good, I'll put it on here later tonight :)
Here you go Slev :)

Slev said:
There has to be a caption competition in this somewhere...

Yeah! but I'm useless at things like that. I think Gene Simmons has to be in the caption somewhere though ;)