Review Lionheart

From what I can make out using web translation programs, that's quite a negative review. Unfortunately I speak not one word of German so some of it I don't get. Personally, I think the album rocks, I suppose people's opinions are always going to differ though.

However, and I don't care how many times I read it ... Searching for Atlantis is NOT a boring song!
No, it's by no means a negative's less enthusiastic than most of the stuff I read so far and acknowledges that there's also several weaker songs that do not rise up to the high standard of other songs on it..

For me it's closer to the "truth" if there is any truth here apart from everyones personal taste and favours...this review pretty much sums up my thoughts on this one although the author and me differ a bit which songs belong to the weaker songs on it and also don't exactly agree on the absolute highlights on it..I posted my review some 6 weeks ago and I still hold on to it.

It's a good album but not a brilliant one..The school mark "2-" is actually a pretty good mark, so he's not too negative about it...It equals a 8/10, wished I'd have had this in every test back in highschool..:)

But let's check out a few the new tracks next week in Filderstadt.....this may maybe change my view at least a little...