
ThorsBlood said:
of the new panzer album is on
Ummmmm..... can anyone read German?

Band:JAG PANZERTitel:Casting The StonesLabel:Century Media RecordsWebsite:www.jagpanzer.comVÖ:27.09.2004Laufzeit:51:11>> Als eMail versenden <<Im Sommer noch das alte, vergriffene Album "Chain Of Command" schnell wieder aufgelegen und schwups mit dem neuen Album "Casting The Stones" im Herbst auftrumpfen! Die US Metaller von Jag Panzer wissen, wie man im Gespräch bleibt, ohne halbgare Maxis oder Live EPs und ähnlichen oft überflüssigen Kram auf den Markt zu werfen.
Die Platte startet mit dem leicht vertrackten midtempolastigen Song "Feast Of Famine", welcher durch dezente Keyboardeinsprengsel auffällt, welche den Song proglastiger machen. Der nachfolgende Track "The Mission (1943)" ist ein typischer Uptempo Song, welcher weniger vertrackt nach vorne rockt und mit einem super eingängigem melodischen aber dennoch harten Riff ausgestattet ist. Bestimmt ein neuer Livekracher!
Wie immer singt Harry Conklin wie Gott (er ist live DER Metal Gott) und Jim Morris hat der Platte eine erdige, zeitlose Produktion gezimmert. Auffallend ist, dass anfangs auf einen proglastigen Song oft ein drauflos rockender Track folgt, während es am Ende der Scheibe von der Stimmung her getragener und wieder proglastiger wird.
Jag Panzer sind keinen Millimeter von ihrem U.S. Metalsound abgewichen, schreiben aber im Gegensatz zu deutschen Urgesteinen wie Running Wild keine Kopien alter Songs, klingen dabei immer 100 % nach Jag Panzer. Es ist ein schmaler Grat den die Amis wandern, aber diesen wandern sie mit Bravour. Diesmal sind die Songs bis auf gelegentliche Keyboards etwas puristischer angelegt und kirchlich anmutende Chöre wie auf "Mechanized Warfair" findet man hier nicht.
"Casting The Stones" ist keine Platte, die sofort zum Ohrwurm wird. Es ist zeitloser Metal ohne Balladen. fernab jeder poppigen Strömung. Es sind Songs, die es verdient haben mit jedem Durchlauf erforscht zu werden. Im Gegensatz zu manch gehypten Undergroundacts sind Jag Panzer wirklich eine lebende Legende, was ich auf dem 2003er Kölner Konzert selber erlebt habe!Note: 2Verfasser: Thorsten Dietrich
I ran it through the translator at AltaVista but I still couldn't understand it.

The reviewer gave it a '2', which is a 'B' I suppose. Not too good.

I've been doing tons of press lately. The journalists I've been talking to in France seem to really love the album. Same with Eastern Europe. And initial emails from the U.S. are calling it one of our best releases.

But strangely Germany seems to be very lukewarm on the album. The soundcharts for Germany (magazine review charts) are the lowest we've recieved since being on Century Media. Some really bizarre comments have been made during my interviews. One guy said 'not much melody', which I totally disagreed. Another extremely weird comment was 'much lighter then Mechanized Warfare'. I told that person 'you're listening to the wrong album then'. She laughed, but I said that I was serious. If you think 'Casting' is lighter then you're listening to the wrong album.

Briody said:
I ran it through the translator at AltaVista but I still couldn't understand it.

The reviewer gave it a '2', which is a 'B' I suppose. Not too good.

I've been doing tons of press lately. The journalists I've been talking to in France seem to really love the album. Same with Eastern Europe. And initial emails from the U.S. are calling it one of our best releases.

But strangely Germany seems to be very lukewarm on the album. The soundcharts for Germany (magazine review charts) are the lowest we've recieved since being on Century Media. Some really bizarre comments have been made during my interviews. One guy said 'not much melody', which I totally disagreed. Another extremely weird comment was 'much lighter then Mechanized Warfare'. I told that person 'you're listening to the wrong album then'. She laughed, but I said that I was serious. If you think 'Casting' is lighter then you're listening to the wrong album.


Hi Mark,
just a short note to the review above...a "2" means "good"(naturaly only a 1 is better).
All in all a very good review.They mentioned they recognized that a more proglike song always is followed by a straight forward song and that you need time to get into this album.And that it is worth to take that time.
Well,i can not tell if that is wrong or wright because i only know the two songs from the homepage(and these two are killer!!) :headbang: :headbang:
Harry(not the Tyrant) said:
Hi Mark,
just a short note to the review above...a "2" means "good"(naturaly only a 1 is better).
All in all a very good review.They mentioned they recognized that a more proglike song always is followed by a straight forward song and that you need time to get into this album.And that it is worth to take that time.
Well,i can not tell if that is wrong or wright because i only know the two songs from the homepage(and these two are killer!!) :headbang: :headbang:
Thanks Harry!

Much appreciated.
Yes it means good, guys!
Points are boring everybody has them we have german schoolnotes and a lot of foreign guys dont get i and sometimes its very funny :)) because they think its a bad review .

Tja aber Witzigkeit kennt keine Grenzen und Jag Panzer Rules!
I definately cannot wait for this one. I heard the tracks on the website and The Mission (1943)...absolutely amazing!!

Mark, any tour plans as of yet? Do you know who will you will be touring with?
Here's a review in Finnish. I know that to all of you, that language looks like someone dropped the keyboard down the stairs, but thought I'd mention this one anyway. I'll try to post a translation tomorrow. The reviewer gave CtS 4 out of 5 and says that he just as well could have given it full points. A very positive review. :headbang:

edit: Ok here's the (clumsy) translation:

The old school US group Jag Panzer, who seem to be stuck in the B groub of heavy metal when it comes to album sales, tries once again to break the spell and to rise to the highest elite. And once again the potential is there and it's up to the record buyers now.

The band that has been on the road for 25 years has managed to keep three original members throughout the years. Mato Valtonen (a Finnish musician, btw) look-a-like Harry Conklin is a powerful vocalist and a longterm interpreter (ok, I'm not completely sure how to translate this :err: ), who has a bit of Ronnie James Dio and Bruce Dickinson and when it comes to skills (it is said he has a four octave range), can compete with the aforementioned masters side by side. Guitarist Mark Briody has gained a buddy, a real guitar wizard called Chris Broderick. Alongside the reliable bass playing of John Tetley the skins are getting a beating by a newer recruit, Rikard Stjernqvist.

As a sort of a pioneer of power metal the band moves in somekind of a Iced Earth/Hammerfall/Halford -landscape and the results are very good, if not excellent. The 5-piece that has toured the globe with Gamma Ray and Hammerfall in the recent years belongs in the true elite of metal when it comes down to skills and songwriting. There is not a single weak song in the new album, a good routine effort all along. You always have to name a few favorites, and in here they are the opener Feast Or Famine, the Iron Maideny The Mission (1943), Achilles with it great chorus, Tempest (in the vein of Evergrey) and the Queensrÿche-influenced Precipice.

A humble attitude to music shines through these fellows' work all the way, and it's time to tip the hat once again. I have to admit, that I wouldn't have believed to give such a high score, but it's time to kneel because even a full score was close. The past years have certainly not rusted the edge of this band, quite on the contrary, the gunpowder is dry in this Panzer. Get your asses to Finland immediately to offer the artillery!

Well, sounds good. A couple of mistakes in the history lesson part, but who cares. And I especially agree with the last sentence. :cool: