Reviewer in need of gig...


I'm currently looking for a site to write for after writing for a site for 5 plus years the owner has decided to pull the plug and now I find myself looking for a site in need of a writer. If you are aware of one please PM me and I will send the folks a smaple of my work along with a link to various reviews and interviews that I have conducted. I'm not looking for a paying gig as I wrote to the previous place for the fun and love of metal.


have you tried this one yet?

we're always looking for writers, and our cd list is outgrowing out capabilities to review them all
I have tried this site, when I ran some stuff past Russell he had a problem with some of the slang terms that I used. For whatever reason that was an issue, I think since he's based out of Europe he didn't get what I do stylistically? Cultural thing I think....