reviews of 3 concerts ive been to recently ( long post )

Sexi Alexi 94

Oct 10, 2006
ok so im bored and will review some concerts ive been to recently:

heaven and hell, megadeth, down

down - really cool, theyre more like rock n roll instead of metal. i didnt know any songs but will buy a cd soon, the only annoying part is the singer kept yelling crap at the crowd like telling people to smoke and talking about his dick :ill:

megadeth - not that good, i am a big fan but i didnt really like most of the songs they played, :cry: . and the new guitar player is weird and doesnt play the right parts for solos o_O why doesnt dave realize that and get someone else? i dont get it.

heaven and hell - ok, i didnt know any songs but they had a good show and dio sings great, much better than ozzy. my dad liked them a lot, had a really cool stage too with a big castle :cool:

dark tranquillity, haunted, into eternity, scar symettery

dt was awesome , i loved their songs but they played some new ones which i didnt know but sounded great! i remember they played new build, my negation, sun fired blanks, punish my heaven and a lot more!

haunted - ok but after like 30 min i was bored of them, they played like 2 million songs and it seemed to last forever and the guy kept jumping into the crowd and taking off his shirt, even though he's not really in good shape :lol:

into eternity - didnt like, the singer was too loud and hurt my ears, theyre kind of weird, my dad said the singer has split personality because of his different singing styles :lol: ...but they played really really fast solos in most of there songs

ss - awesome! but the singer and guitar player looked almost the same, i thought they might be brothers, but they sounded great..bought their cd after i had never heard of them :headbang:

dimmu borgir, unearth , devil driver, katklsm

katklasm - didnt see them, because got there late

dd - ok, the singer was trying to act tough and yell at the crowd all night, songs were ok though

unearth - not that good, every song sounded the same and but they kept jumping into each other and falling down which was kinda funny :lol:

dimmu borgir - awesome! sounded great, but it sucks we had to leave early because my brother was sick, they all look so cool on stage like out of a halloween movie or something, my dad said the singer's make up was from the play cats because he had the stripes on his face lmao :lol:...i want to see them again, they played progenies, allegiance, vredsbird , serpentine offering and a lot more!
The Dimmu show I went to on Thursday night sucked.
I missed almost all of Kataklysm's set, except for their last two songs (Slither and Shadows And Dust). They sounded amazing, and definitely would have stolen the show if I would have seen their whole set.
I was sitting out of the theater during the whole Unearth and Devildriver set, so I had some quick conversation with some people about how gay those bands are. Also got a bit stoned.
Then Dimmu finally goes on stage, and they only play 13 songs. Nothing off of the original Stormblast or For All Tid. They mostly played their best known songs.
Shagrath kept acting like a douche bag. He kept saying "do you want some Norwegian black fucking metal?" (I love the music, but no way should he refer to it as Norwegian black metal), he dedicates a song to all the pretty ladies in the audience (the audience was filled with hot, non-goth women, but they all had boyfriends :( ), and a bunch of other silly shit like that. He sounded pretty bad and has absolutely no range in his voice anymore.
Silenoz looks pretty gay with his new hairstyle and braiding his beard.
Galdar kept making a face like he was going to rape everyone.
Mustis was hiding behind a curtain. Luckily, his synths were pretty drowned out by the guitars and drums.
Simen sounded excellent though
Hellhammer was a mad man! He did a sweet drum solo, but he didn't keep any of the original drum patterns in the songs, and his new patterns weren't all that creative. He usually does a lot of jazzy patterns, and really complex cymbal work, but he just ended up playing a bunch of drum rolls.
I didn't even like his drumming on the new album anyway. Very uninspired.

I was also pissed that I lost my great spot because some idiots started a mosh pit on the side, and the floor was covered in beer.

Here's the setlist, from what I remembered anyway

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse
Cataclysm Children
Kings Of Carnival Creation
Sorgens Kammer Del II
A Succubus In Rapture
The Serpentine Offering
I think this is where Hellhammer did the drum solo
The Chosen Legacy
The Insight And The Catharsis
Spellbound By The Devil
Morning Palace

I should have skipped the show, and made time to go see November's Doom instead. Everyone here, on the ND forum, and the Shadows Of Bereavement forum keep saying how amazing that show was.
The Dimmu show I went to on Thursday night sucked.
I missed almost all of Kataklysm's set, except for their last two songs (Slither and Shadows And Dust). They sounded amazing, and definitely would have stolen the show if I would have seen their whole set.
I was sitting out of the theater during the whole Unearth and Devildriver set, so I had some quick conversation with some people about how gay those bands are. Also got a bit stoned.
Then Dimmu finally goes on stage, and they only play 13 songs. Nothing off of the original Stormblast or For All Tid. They mostly played their best known songs.
Shagrath kept acting like a douche bag. He kept saying "do you want some Norwegian black fucking metal?" (I love the music, but no way should he refer to it as Norwegian black metal), he dedicates a song to all the pretty ladies in the audience (the audience was filled with hot, non-goth women, but they all had boyfriends :( ), and a bunch of other silly shit like that. He sounded pretty bad and has absolutely no range in his voice anymore.
Silenoz looks pretty gay with his new hairstyle and braiding his beard.
Galdar kept making a face like he was going to rape everyone.
Mustis was hiding behind a curtain. Luckily, his synths were pretty drowned out by the guitars and drums.
Simen sounded excellent though
Hellhammer was a mad man! He did a sweet drum solo, but he didn't keep any of the original drum patterns in the songs, and his new patterns weren't all that creative. He usually does a lot of jazzy patterns, and really complex cymbal work, but he just ended up playing a bunch of drum rolls.
I didn't even like his drumming on the new album anyway. Very uninspired.

I was also pissed that I lost my great spot because some idiots started a mosh pit on the side, and the floor was covered in beer.

Here's the setlist, from what I remembered anyway

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse
Cataclysm Children
Kings Of Carnival Creation
Sorgens Kammer Del II
A Succubus In Rapture
The Serpentine Offering
I think this is where Hellhammer did the drum solo
The Chosen Legacy
The Insight And The Catharsis
Spellbound By The Devil
Morning Palace

I should have skipped the show, and made time to go see November's Doom instead. Everyone here, on the ND forum, and the Shadows Of Bereavement forum keep saying how amazing that show was.

oh im sorry to hear you had a bad time, i guess simen is the bass player? i thought his singing was the best part of the night, he sounded just like he does on cd. :worship:

13 songs was a lot i thought, have you seen them before and they played a lot more? i only saw like 40 minutes anyway, do you think theyll come back soon? i really wanna see them again!

the drummer kept playing really really fast stuff i agree, some of the songs were faster than on cd it sounded like. oh and i didnt mind shagrath's talking to the crowd, i thought it was cool., at least its not like lamb of god where the guy says f--- like every word and tries to act tough. :lol:
Yeah, Simen plays bass too.
The way Shagrath kept talking about how this is their first headlining US tour in almost four years, they should have played for another 20 minutes. At the very least, 3 more songs. Part of the reason I was really looking forward to it was because I wanted to hear For All Tid and original Stormblast material.
But even so, they sounded great, but it wasn't a good show. The way they were acting on stage, it was very arrogant and pretentious.
Yeah, Simen plays bass too.
The way Shagrath kept talking about how this is their first headlining US tour in almost four years, they should have played for another 20 minutes. At the very least, 3 more songs. Part of the reason I was really looking forward to it was because I wanted to hear For All Tid and original Stormblast material.
But even so, they sounded great, but it wasn't a good show. The way they were acting on stage, it was very arrogant and pretentious.

yea my brother said that they played for about 2 hours last time he saw them, and that a lot that they have a lot more fans than they did a few years not sure why it takes them 4 yrs to tour in north america.

what does for all tid and original stormblast sound like thats different from their other stuff?
They definitely had way more fans. Last time I saw them (I went for Nevermore and Hypocrisy, I think it was Hypocrisy anyway, I don't really remember now), it was in a club with a few hundred people, and it was packed like sardines.
This time, there were probably like 2000 people, or more.

For All Tid was more traditional black metal with some folk influences. Kind of like Dark Medieval Times from Satyricon. Stormblast was supposed to sound kind of like that also, maybe even closer to Immortal's earlier albums. But the studio they went to screwed up the production, and the label didn't let the band change it. So it sounded very keyboard heavy, with the guitars in the background.